A Old Friend Comes To Visit

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I was in bed crying the entire night.I felt my pillow soaking wet from my tears.I heard my phone ring a million times.I answered none of them.I clutched the necklace my dad gave me the first and last thing he gave me.I lied there thinking what he said give it to the one who you love the most."Who do I love the most"I said."Maybe that blonde he seems into you"someone said."Who said that.oh you must be my good subconsciousness"I said."Yup hey maybe you should give me a name too"the voice said."If it will let you sleep at night,I guess I'll name you Juby"I said."Yay I get my own name"Juby said.I heard my phone ring a million times.I answered none of them."Aren't you gonna answer ?"the voice said."Why what's the point ?"I said."Well the point is your phone doesn't ring the entire time"the voice said.I got up and there was someone sitting on my bed but it wasn't a stranger he looked familiar."Uh"I said."Do you know who I am Mackenzie ?"the person said."I don't"I said."Hm well if you don't check the person that called you yesterday to warn you"the person said.I grabbed my phone and ignored all the texts and checked my call log.It was someone named Michael."Michael ?"I said."Bingo"the person said.I remember Michael as a nerdy video game geek with black glasses and messed up black hair,now he's a puffed up jock with nice black hair and no glasses and he definitely doesn't look like a nerdy video game geek."M-Miky is that you ?"I said."Yup its me Miky"he said."But your so different but its good,not that I didn't like you before,what happened to you ?"I said."Well you know that I was always into the magic,well I made a machine that let you go into another dimension,so I went into another dimension and I earned magic,went I came back my dad put me in military camp because he thought I was kidnapped and was killed,so when I came back he wanted to teach me self defense"Michael said.I walked up to him.I messed up his hair."There now your Miky I know and love"I said."Yes it is look I even have the bracelet you gave me when we where five"Michael said."You do"I said.I ran off and grabbed my bag and looked in it.I found a necklace and ran back."I've got the necklace"I said.I took off the other necklace and put the other one on.And Michael put on the bracelet."Um Mic um do you  know who Mad Mac is ?"I asked."Yes I do I've only been here for one day and I already know who she is"Michael said."Um can I tell you something ?"I said."Ya where best friends you can tell me anything"Michael said.I breathed in and let it out."Don't freak ot or go call the police but I'm Mad Mac"I said."Awesome my best friend is a super villain"Michael said."So you don't think this is weird ?"I said."Nope hey can I be your minion ?"Michael asked."Oh hey come on your my best friend you'll be my side kick"I said."Awesome,that's even better ?"Michael."Hey so how are you here ?"I asked."Magic Mac Magic"Michael."We need a name for you"I said."Magic Mic"Michael said."Okay"I said."Hey um Mac I'm cursed with a spell that in night time I go insane and I do bad stuff for fun and in day time I'm just a normal 17 year old"Michael said."Michael that's amazing"I said."What no?! it is?!"Michael said."Yes because I'm like that to"I said."You are?!,that's awesome"Michael said.We hugged in happiness.We walked around the city talking and catching up.Then I saw Lloyd and he ran over."Uh hey Mackenzie"Lloyd said."Mac who's this is he your boy friend,hello I'm Michael her best friend"Michael said.He put out his arm and Lloyd shook it."Um hi"Lloyd said."So um Mackenzie did you see any of my texts,or were you just hanging with this guy"Lloyd."No I was sad because of you know what,and was that jealousy I hear"I said.Lloyd turned red a little."What jealous oh please as if I could be jealous"Lloyd said."Uh yup sure I know a jealous person when I see one"Michael said."Oh be quite I'm not jealous"Lloyd said."It's alright Lloyd to be jealous,but you don't because where just friends"I said."Friends oh ya just friend,um Mackenzie I came to ask you if you wanted to go on a date with me ?"Lloyd asked."Excuse me for one moment please"I said.I ran off into a store into a bathroom.I screamed out off excitement.I walk back outside only to find Michael holding Lloyd's collar against a wall.I didn't hear everything but I think but I think he said don't hurt her or I'll hurt you.Then he let him go.I came back."Um sure I'll go on a date with you Lloyd"I said."Awesome,well um bye I've gotta go catch Mad Mac"Lloyd said.He took off.I chased after him and Michael chased after me."Lloyd wait up!"I said.He stopped and turned around."Wait when is the date"I said."Hm I guess tomorrow I'll pick you up at eight"Lloyd said.He ran off.Then someone grabbed my arm.I started screaming."HELP!"I screamed."Stop screaming"the man said.He covered my mouth with a napkin and I went unconscious.

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