A Date

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We rode on Lloyd's dragon and stopped in front of a karaoke place.The dragon disappeared and Lloyd grabbed my hand and ran in.We sat down at a table on he ran off.I sat there bored.After staring around I saw Lloyd on the stage."Oh no he's not"I said.I heard screams behind me but they where fan girl screams.I ignored them and averted my eyes back to the stay.He started singing.(the song up there)He came off the stage and grabbed my hand and pulled me on stay with me him.I started blushing a little.Then everyone started dancing.Then Lloyd handed me the mic and went off the stage.Everyone started at me waiting for me sing.I froze but I started.Everyone cheered then I saw a fan girls getting all over Lloyd.I put the mic down the went off stay."Hi Lloyd are you here alone ?"she asked.Then I felt someone pull my hair and spill there drink on me."Hey what the hell !"I said."Your not interrupting Becky and her chance"the girl said."Oh shes the wanna be girl talking to Lloyd"I said."Wanna be girl as if please she a lot prettier than you"she said.She snapped her fingers and more girls came toward me and started pulling my hair and took my jacket.I felt tears of pain coming out."Mackenzie James doesn't cry!I said.Then I heard I stomp and a voice."Leave her alone"someone said.All the girls left me and went to him."Hi Lloyd"the girl said.I got out of the crowd.And grabbed my hand."Just leave me alone I'm on a date"Lloyd said.He looked at me and smiled."With my girl friend"Lloyd said.I immediately blushed."But I'm supposed to be your girlfriend"another girl said.She grabbed his hand."Where soul mates"she said.He let go of her hand and ran out with me."Oh sorry about all that fan girls,hey did the hurt you ?"Lloyd asked."Pulled a few hairs but not enough to hurt me,how about you"I said."They did I number on me,they pulled a bunch of hairs I think there gonna clone me "Lloyd said."Highly doubt it and if so there will only be one true you "I said.Lloyd started to blush."Hey um you don't have any feeling for Michael right ?"Lloyd said."No why jealous"I said."What no okay maybe a little"Lloyd said."Its alright its cool to get jealous"I said.Lloyd grabbed my hand and ran off.We ran into a play ground."What are we doing here ?"I asked.I don't know I just felt like going here and feeling like a kid again"Lloyd said."Then tag your it"I said.I pocked Lloyd and started running off."Hey no fair you got a head started"Lloyd said."Who cares try to catch me"I said.I run across the playground up into a tree and jumped off."Hey no fair"Lloyd said."Hey there's no rules"I said.I turned around and didn't see Lloyd behind me,I turn back around and Lloyd tags me back."Tag your it"Lloyd said.He ran off into the city and I chased after him.Then fan girls chased us so it began more of a race.We ran into the woods and they stopped chasing us."We lost them thank god,god know what the y could have done to me"Lloyd said."Ya fan girls are insane"I said."Yup"Lloyd said."Its so cold out here"I said."Here take my jacket"Lloyd said.He handed me his jacket.I put it on.It started raining."Come on hurry up"Lloyd said."Wait why hurry where already wet so"I said."I guess your right"Lloyd said.I ran in front of him and started climbing a tree.I climbed the tallest one."Lloyd are you coming or what ?"I asked."Ya I'm coming"Lloyd said.He climbed up the tree."Why are we up here ?"Lloyd asked."Just look"I said.I turned back and I saw the entire city light up."I use to come here a lot"I said."Why's that ?"Lloyd asked."Well when I was a kid my dad would be mostly drunk and he would hit that why I have this scar on my face because he smashed a bottle on my head so I got glass all over my head and it scared me"I said."Wow that must have been tough"Lloyd said."Yup and I didn't have a mom so the only person that actually felt like family was Michael"I said."Well at least you had a dad"Lloyd said."Ya but he was mainly passed out drunk on the couch or beating me or out"I said.I jumped off the tree."Lets go before it pours more"I said.Lloyd climbed down as well."Hey um Mac I know your a thief but do you think you could be my girlfriend ?"Lloyd asked."Yes" I said.We hugged.He grabbed my face and started kissing me....

Well that's just great now to guys like her what is Mac gonna do ?Oh whale keep in tune peace people

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