Chapter 19: Vidcon 2015

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A/N: I know VidCon 2015 was 2 weeks ago but I didn't have an Idea about a new chapter til a few days ago while watching Mikey Gonzales' younow and we were talking about fanfic (btw go follow him on Twitter @mikeygonzo97 he's the bomb dot com) so shoutout to Mikey and the other members of the OGF(Original Gonzinator Fam).

Nash's POV:
Today me and Maggie are going to VidCon 2015. I got invited again to be a featured creator.
Nash: hey babe
Maggie: yes
Nash: you ready to go to VidCon 2015
Maggie: YESSS!
Nash: are any of your internet friends going?
Maggie: i don't know let me check *texts in Internet Besties group chat* hey are any of you going to VidCon 2015
Mikey G: yes I am
Brittany: yes
Emily: yes
Angelique: yes
Shardae: yes
Maggie: Brittany do you know if Amber or Kendall are going
Brittany: I think Amber is but I don't know if Kendall is.
Maggie: ok guys see you at VidCon then, we finally get to meet!
Mikey G,Brittany, Emily,Angelique, Shardae: YAY!
Maggie: ok I gotta go guys I have to pack
Mikey G,Brittany, Emily,Angelique, Shardae: bye mags
Maggie: Babe
Nash: so are your internet best friends going babe
Maggie: yes most of them. I just can't believe that after talking to them through a screen I can finally meet them
Nash: I know how you feel babe. Is Patricia going? *continues packing bag*
Maggie: I don't know *calls patricia* hey
Patricia: hey what's up
Maggie: nothing much just getting ready for VidCon. Are you going?
Patricia: yes I am. Is it ok that I'm bringing Harry
Maggie: let me see, Nash is it ok if she brings Harry
Nash: sure he seems like a cool dude
Maggie: nash said yes
Patricia: ok well mags I gotta get packing so ttyl
Maggie: ok bye
Patricia: bye
Nash: Mags we have to have to leave tomorrow at 10 AM
Maggie: well it's like 8pm should we get to bed
Nash: probably so we aren't exhausted in the morning. But let's get the car packed mostly
Maggie: ok nash
*me and Maggie  pack the car and go to bed*
~9:40 AM
Nash: mags wake up
Maggie: ok
Nash: I made waffles so when your dressed and ready we can take them in the car and eat them
Maggie: ok
~in the car on the way to VidCon
Nash: hey mags
Maggie: yea
Nash: this VidCon is going to a pretty special one
Maggie: why is it going to be a special one babe
Nash: it will be the 1 year anniversary of me asking you to be my girlfriend. And last year we were just best friends now we are married and going to VidCon a year later
Maggie: wow a lot happened in one year.
Nash: yup
Maggie: how much farther til we get there
Nash: like a half an hour
Maggie: ok
~At VidCon
Maggie's POV:
Me and Nash check in at VidCon and we go to the hotel room to get lunch from room service
Nash: hey mags after lunch I was thinking we could go meet your internet friends
Maggie: omg yes! I'll text them where they want to meet *texts Mikey G* hey mikey where do you and the others wanna meet
Mikey G: how bout right infront of the convention center
Maggie: sounds good we'll be there in like 20 mins
Mikey G: ok
Maggie: Nash Mikey said to meet them outside of the convention center in 20 mins. So that gives us time to eat
~20 mins later in front of the convention center
Maggie: MIKEY!!!!! *runs toward mikey*
Mikey G: MAGGIE!!!! *hugs maggie*
Maggie: I have waited for this day for so long
Nash:uhh babe look who's behind you
Maggie: BRITTANY!!!
Brittany: hi Maggie *hugs*
Maggie: I'm so happy after 3 years we finally get too meet.
Emily,Angelique,shardae: MAGGIE!!!
Maggie: Omg you guys came too *group hugs* Nash can you take a group pic of me and my internet besties
Nash: sure babe *takes picture* hey mags we gotta go to my meet up it starts in like 5 minutes
Maggie: ok. I'll see you guys later
Mikey G,Brittany, Emily,Angelique, Shardae: bye mags
~At Nash's meetup
Nash's meetup went pretty good we only had like two people left in line after 5 hours. Most fans were super nice
Fan #1:Nash im sam and I'm such a big fan *takes picture w/ Nash and he signs a poster* could I have a picture you and Maggie
Nash & Maggie: sure
Fan: your so beautiful Maggie Nash you picked a good one. I ship you guys so much. Bye Nash
Nash: bye
Fan #2: hi Nash can I get a picture
Nash: sure
Fan #2: who's she
Nash: my beautiful wife Maggie
Fan #2: you could do so much better Nash
Nash: excuse me 😡
Fan #2: I'm just saying they are a lot of hot and attractive girls to choose from and you pick her
Maggie: *starts to cry really bad* I'm gonna go I'll see you at the hotel room Nash *leaves*
Nash: you know I think your a fake fan you don't talk to my wife like that. *gets up and goes after maggie* Maggie!
Maggie: leave me alone Nash
Nash: Maggie stop *grabs her arm*
Maggie: Nash let me go
Nash: no. Mags don't listen to her she's fake fan who doesn't see how beautiful you are. She is right they are so many people I could've chosen but I chose you. Your so unique,beautiful,and caring, that's what I love about you babe *hands tissue and kisses*
Maggie: *sniffles* thanks babe you always know how to cheer me up
Nash: now I gotta go to a panel I'll be back in 2 hours ok
Maggie: ok I'm gonna hang out with Patricia and Harry
Nash: ok *kisses goodbye* I love you
Maggie: I love you too
Im gonna find Patricia *calls Patricia* hey
Patricia: hey
Maggie: do you wanna meet at the Dunkin donuts near here.
Patricia: sure
~At Dunkin Donuts
Maggie: Nash has a panel for 2 hours I thought we could hangout for a little
Patricia: ok.
Maggie: so this must be Harry I've heard so much about
Patricia: Harry this is my best friend but practically my sister Maggie, Maggie this is Harry my new boyfriend
Maggie: hi Harry *shakes hand*
So how have you been since Cam dumped you. You ok
Patricia: pretty good. Harry has helped me get over Cam a lot.
Maggie: that's good
we talk for awhile til Nash calls me that he's done with his panel so he meets up with me at dunkin
Nash: hey guys. Hey babe *kisses  maggie*
Maggie: hi. So how was your panel
Nash: I'd rather not talk about it. Maggie: it was that bad. Did someone film it
Nash: yea. We can talk about it later ok mags.
Maggie: Im gonna go get you a coffee babe.
Nash: ok. Just get a regular coffee.
Patricia: why didn't you wanna talk about the panel
Nash: I didn't wanna talk about the panel because a lot of the fans' questions were about me and Maggie and a lot of them were like Nash marry me and dump her ugly self.
Patricia: haters how dare they
Nash: and they got worse.
*maggie comes back*
Maggie: here's your coffee babe
Nash: thanks babe. Anyway this must be Harry I kept hearing about. Now Harry you better be good to her or else
Harry: I will treat her like a princess. My beautiful princess
Maggie: awwwwww. Nash do we have to go
Nash: yea I think so we gotta go help at the VidCon carnival.
Patricia: ok see you later guys
Harry: bye

A/N: sorry for the super long chapter. I don't know if I will do a chapter for day 2 of VidCon or not i will see. But if you enjoyed the chapter hit vote and leave a comment thanks 😃

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