Chapter 22: Tegan and Logan's Wedding

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A/N: if you want to see pictures of Logan's tuxedo and Tegan's dress they are the pictures above
~A few days later
Maggie's POV:
So today is Tegan and Logan's wedding. The past few days have been very busy for me and Nash. Nash has been working on filming his show The Office and j have been helping Tegan plan her wedding. It's an outside wedding in downtown LA. Me Patricia Serena and her best friend Liz Gillies are her bridesmaids.
Maggie: hey babe you ready *helps tie tie*
Nash: yeah. It's the first wedding we'll be going to since we've gotten married
Maggie: I can't believe in 4 months it's gonna be our 1 year anniversary
Nash: I love you mags
Maggie: I love you nashy. You ready to go
Nash: yea we should go
~At the Wedding venue
Maggie: I'm gonna go see Tegan ok babe
Nash: ok I'll be with Patricia and Harry
~in the bridal suite
Maggie: Tegan you look so beautiful *sees Tegan in her dress*
Tegan: thank you mags.
Maggie: when does the ceremony start
Tegan: in like 10 minutes and I still have to do my makeup
Maggie: ok
Nash: hey Logan *hugs* you ready for today
Logan: yea I'm ready.
Nash: do you know where you guys are honeymooning
Logan: I think Italy or Paris
Nash: cool. Well enjoy all this peace and quiet cause later it will
~10 mins later outside
*music starts and the maid of honor and bridesmaids walk out*
*wedding march plays next and Tegan walks down the aisle with her dad*
Priest: who gives this woman to marry this man?
Tegan's Father: Her mother and I
Priest: Logan, please repeat after me. I Logan Philip Henderson, take you, Tegan Tarver, to be my wife,
Logan: I Logan Philip Henderson, take you, Tegan Tarver , to be my wife,
Priest: to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.,
Logan: to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.,

Priest : Tegan,please repeat after me. I Tegan Tarver take you, Logan Philip Henderson
Tegan:I Tegan Tarver,take you, Logan Philip Henderson
Priest: to be my husband
Tegan: to be my husband
Priest: to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.
Tegan: to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.
Priest: Tegan,do you take Logan to be your Husband?
Tegan:I do
Priest: Logan,do you take Tegan to be your Wife?
Logan: I do
Priest: Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this couple in marriage. Will the best man give me the rings.
Kendall: *gives rings to priest*
Priest: Logan please repeat after me, With this ring,
Logan:with this ring
Priest:I thee wed.
Logan: I thee wed *slides on Tegan's ring
Priest: Tegan please repeat after me, With this ring
Tegan:With this ring
Priest: I thee wed
Tegan:I thee wed *slides on Logan's ring*
Priest: It is my privilege by the authority vested in me to pronounce you husband and wife. Logan you may kiss your bride
Logan: *kisses Tegan*
Priest: Ladies and Gentlemen: It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Mr. & Mrs. Logan Philip Henderson
*audience claps*
We head out of the church to take photos and then go to the reception
~ At the reception
DJ: for the first time, I present to you Mr. & Mrs. Logan Hender
DJ: it's time for the bride and groom to have their first dance.
* A thousand years by Christina Perri starts playing Tegan and Logan start dancing*
*Tegan and her dad dance and then Logan and his mother dance*
The reception goes great and Tegan and Logan go back to a hotel to get ready to their honeymoon in Paris and Italy

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