Chapter 24: A Stressful Night For The Griers

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Nash's POV:
I was just watching tv with Ezio because Maggie had to go over to Joey Graceffa's house when I got a phone call from an unknown number.
Nash: hello
Unknown number: hello is this Nash Grier
Nash: yes this is Nash, may I ask who is speaking
Unknown number: this Fred Dunder , I am the fire chief of L.A. Fire Department
Nash: how may I help you Mr. Dunder
Chief Dunder: I am calling you because your wife Magdalena Grier has gotten into a severe car accident. When we checked for an I.C.E contact you were under it.
Nash: Oh my god is my wife ok
Chief Dunder: she is hurt badly and we are taking her to the hospital in an ambulance.
Nash: is it possible for me to come and go with her in the ambulance. She will freak out if I'm not there
Chief Dunder: yes if you hurry
Nash: ok on my way

Maggie's POV:
Chief Dunder: wait to take her to the hospital her husband is coming
EMT: yes chief
Maggie: where is Nash
EMT: sir she is awake. mam your husband is on his way.
Maggie: I need nash
EMT: mam we called him and he's on his way
*Nash gets there*
Nash: where's my wife
Chief Dunder: sir are you Nash
Nash: yes
Chief Dunder: she is over by the ambulance on the gurney.
Nash: thank you. How is my wife
EMT: she is unconscious because she hit her head pretty hard but we are on our way to the hospital. Don't worry sir she is going to be ok
Nash: ok. *kisses forehead while holding her hand* I'm here baby I'm here
~At the hospital
Nash: is she going to be ok Doctor?
Doctor Bartowski: her injuries are not life threatening.  She is unconscious because she hit her head pretty hard on the airbag. She should wake up soon.
Nash: is that it just a bad head injury?
Doctor Bartowski: she has a broken arm that we will cast when she wakes up, and some scrapes and bruises
Nash: how long until she wakes up
Doctor Bartowski: it could take up to a few hours and if it is really bad at least a day. I'm afraid to say this but all you can do sir is wait.
Nash: ok thank you Doctor
Doctor Bartowski: my nurse will be back every couple hours to check on her. Please call a nurse when she wakes up so they can tell me
Nash: thank you very much Doctor. *calls patricia*
Patricia: hello
Nash: hey Patricia its Nash.
Patricia: hey what's up
Nash: I don't know if you heard but Maggie got in a pretty serious car crash
Patricia: omg is she ok?
Nash: Doctor said she has a broken arm and a lot of scrapes and bruises. She is still unconscious cause she hit her head pretty bad 
Patricia: how long til she wakes up
Nash: at least a few hours but if it's really bad up to a couple days.
Patricia: do you need Me to bring you stuff. I can bring it in the morning or right now
Nash: I think I'll be good for the night. Thank you Patricia
Patricia: I'll visit as soon as I can. Keep me updated about her she's like a sister to me
Nash: I will don't worry.
If you can, can you take care of Ezio while we are gone. Patricia: sure and Nash you have been through a lot tonight get some sleep if you can.
Nash: ok
Patricia: bye Nash
Nash: bye *hangs up*. *kisses Maggie's forehead and holds her hands* i love you Maggie so much. I won't leave til you wake up. Please wake up soon I love you so much my beautiful princess. *starts to cry* why did this have to happen to you. You are such a good person I don't know why bad things happen to good people like you baby. I just want you to be ok. Your my family and Ezio's only family. Be strong babe I know we can get through this.

Nash falls asleep after a couple hours in the chair right next to her bed while holding her hands.
~ the next day
Nash: *wakes up and goes to the bathroom*
Nurse: good morning Mr Grier how is she
Nash: she's still not awake I just woke up.
Nurse: would you like something to eat
Nash: uhh yeah what do you have
Nurse: pancakes, French toast, waffles, normal breakfast things
Nash: I'll just take some waffles and coffee
Nurse: ok I'll be right back
Nash: *tweets "hey guys sorry I haven't been active very much Maggie got in a really bad car accident and I have been focused on her. Please keep her in your prayers. #PrayforMaggie"
Patricia: hey Nash
Nash: hey *hugs*
Patricia: *sees Maggie* omg *starts to tear up* It hurts to see her like this
Nash: yeah.
Patricia: what time is it
Nash: like 10 AM
Patricia: I gotta go to me when she wakes up
Nash: ok.
~ 9 hours later
Maggie: Nash...
Nash: *calls nurse* hey she's awake. I'm here baby I'm here
Nurse: did she just wake up
Nash: yea she just said my name.
Nurse: Maggie can you hear me.
Maggie: *says quietly*yea
Nurse: stay here I'm going to go get Doctor Bartowski.
Nash: ok.
Maggie: Nash...
Nash: I'm here babe
Maggie: I love you
Nash: I love you too
Maggie: I'm hungry. Where am I?
Doctor Bartowski: hi Mrs Grier. I'm Doctor Bartowski your at Westside Hospital you got in a bad car accident.
Maggie: my arm hurts
Dr Bartowski: you broke your arm and have a concussion
Nash: Doctor is she ok to eat
Dr Bartowski: yes I was about to say that.
Nash: what do you want babe
Maggie: waffles
Dr Bartowski: ok a nurse will be back with your food
Nash: thank you doc
Maggie: babe
Nash: yea
Maggie: my arm hurts
Nash: it's gonna for a few weeks. After you eat they are gonna get it in a cast
Maggie: I heard what you said last night while I was unconscious. I love you so much Nashy
Nash: I love you my beautiful wife *kisses* I'm so glad your awake
Maggie: I'm so lucky to have you as my family Nash

A/N: Part 2 for this up soon! Again Thank you guys so much  for 1,000 views it really means a lot to me. Don't forget to hit vote and comment and have a great day/night 😃

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