25 Facts About Me

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just because i feel like it uwu

1. i'm currently watching Criminal Minds, The Office [U.S.], Grey's Anatomy, Black Butler and Supernatural on Netflix

2. cotton candy is my favorite flavor of ice cream

3. i like stormy weather

4. burger king is great

5. i obsess over the Phantom of the Opera movie with Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum

6. i sing alto

7. South Park is my favorite show

8. still not over Constantine being cancelled

9. still not over the death of Denny Duqette

10. i know every song/lyric of Lorde's music

11. Kenny McCormick is probably my favorite

12. i love each and every one of you

13. i jump and freak out whenever i hear Carry On My Wayward Son by 'Kansas' because it makes me feel happy and it reminds me of Supernatural and i get so excited and i'll go into this strange classic rock phase

14. fourteen is my lucky number

15. i have brown eyes and i hate them (but Matt Ryan has brown eyes so i'm good)

16. i have a crush on Matt Miller from Saints Row III

17. i can't decide whether Tank Depsey or Nikolai Belinski is my favorite Call of Duty Zombies character

18. i actually take the time to read the little citations that Shaun Hastings writes on AC

19. i love john mayer

20. i don't own any pets :c

21. i loooove horror movies

22. i don't know what to call you 'guys'. my children? like wtf help pls

23. i'm on the sixth comic book series of Constantine

24. one time, i bought cologne (for men, duh) because Kit Harington was advertising it

25. i want to become an actress, and if not, then i'd want to be a writer

i'll do 25 more if you want it ♡♡♡

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