Chapter one

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Sam knocked on my door, awakening me. "WAKE UP PRINCESS!" He yelled. I moaned and pushed the covers off of me. Glaring down at my wrists I see a reminder of what I had done on Sunday. "COME ON KATHERINA!!" He yells, louder this time. I stumble towards my door and yank it open. Sam stares at me, a smile on his lips. "You look like shit." He says. I give him a smile and push past him. Outside the sun has set and inside the lights are blinding. "What time is it?" I asked, my voice scratchy from having slept all day. Sam walks beside me and bumbs me. "Why it's only midnight and someone was screaming about her water." I turned to Sam. His voice was so causal.

"DUDE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! HOW COULD I NOT HEAR THAT?!?!?!" I yelled. Sam put his hand over my mouth and shhhh-ed me. I glared at him and bit his hand. He muttered something, but I didn't pick up on it. "It wasn't Anna. You were screaming about wanting water." He said. I took a deep breath. "Be careful next time. Anna is getting closer and closer to her due date." I warned him and he nodded as he made me sit at the table as he got me something to drink. "So you've been home for a week and Anna is going to pop soon?" Sam asked, walking to the table. I took the water from him.

I nodded and thought about it. It had been a whole week since I got released from the hospital. "Anna's going to pop like a water balloon." Sam mused. I shot him a dirty look. "When are you coming back to school?" He asked me. I shrugged. I had been avoiding school and taking my medication for awhile now. I wasn't sure I wanted to go back, not when everybody had those photos. "Well, when you do, I think you should talk to Josh." Sam said. I shook my head.

Josh had been the guy with the photos in his phone, he had broken up with me, he had been an asshole. I wasn't going to talk to him, not unless my sister's or Sam's life depended on it. "Fine, don't talk to him, but will you at least start talking to Jake?" I raised my eyebrows at this. Sam sighed. "Why?" I asked as he shook his head. Talking to Jake was like killing myself. Or trying to. "Because he's your twin. And maybe if he stopped fucking pouting you would stop taking your meds."

Ahhh, Sam was funny. Just because he was my twin I should talk to him? I think not. "Nope." I say. Sam rolls his eyes at me. "Just take your medicine and go to bed." He responded, looking at the ceiling. I raised my eyebrows. "So is it medication, meds, or medicine?" I asked. Sam gave me the stink eye and went to get the bottle of meds. When he came back, he seemed shocked. "Okay, I know I sound like the boy who cried 'bitches water broke,' but, um, BITCHES WATER BROKE!" I stared at Sam in confusion.

"How would you know?" I asked. Sam looked at me. "Jake just ran out looking for me when he heard screaming." He whispered, his face pale. I sighed. That night we had been left alone. "I guess that means I have to drive." I said, getting up from the chair, but pains shot up my arm, making me sit back down. Sam shook his head. "Didnt dad say he was going to be home now?" Sam asked, seeming frantic when Jake ran into the dining room with Anna in his arms. "ONE OF YOU FUCKING DRIVE!" He screamed.

Both of the guys had pale faces. I calmly stood and walked towards the door, ignoring my arm pains. "What the hell are you tards waiting for?" I asked. They hurried towards the door. I grabbed the keys. As I opened the door I breathed a sigh of relief to see Milly about to try to open the door. "Hospital?" I asked. She had a small smile as she nodded. On the way to the hospital Anna kept screaming and heavy breathing. When we reached there we were rushed in right away.

"Where's mommy?" Anna asked as the nurses stuck a needle into her. I went in search for our mother. I couldn't remember what room my father was in, but I remembered something that I wish I didn't. A woman with red hair entered a room and I raced after her, suddenly remembering whose room it was. "MA'AM!" I yelled. She turned towards me, a puzzled look on her face. Right away I knew it was her. She looked me up and down, searching to see if there was a feature she'd recognize.

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