Chapter Three

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I turned around to see what was going on. I had heard shouting and screaming soon after everyone had blocked my view and I had gotten sick of poking at my lunch. When I turned I saw the person in front of take a swing and a loud scream echoed the room. I stood on the chair I was sitting on and saw Marcus was laying on the ground. I shook my head. They didn't have to resort to fighting, but it seemed like the only thing that would ever happen. I was picked up and carried out of the lunchroom as people rushed towards the table we all had been at.

Once we were in the hall Jake placed me on the ground and looked around. "They didn't get a photo did they?" I asked, wishing I was out of the spotlight. Jake shrugged. How was he supposed to know? Betty came rushing towards us, her eyes worried. "We need to get her out of here." He said, her voice hushed. Jake turned to me again, looking worried. Since when did I become the person who needed to be protected? Since when did Marcus finally set out to destroy me?

"You three aren't going anywhere." Miss. Kerry, our new principle said. I looked at Jake. Mr. Pontiac had been replaced while I was gone, but Miss. Kerry knew me from when I came with my dad to pick up Sam after he was caught skipping class a week ago. "My office, now." She demanded as she turned to lead the way. We followed her. I hated having to go in the principal's office.


Miss. Kerry opened her office door and held it open for us. Inside I saw Marcus sitting in one of the maroon colored chairs. I took a deep breath and walked in. I sat as far away from Marcus as I could. Miss. Kerry took her seat behind her desk. She sat up straight and folded her hands on her desk. She wanted to look powerful, and it was working. "That was quite the ruckus in the cafeteria." She said as Marcus started drumming his finger against the arm rest on his seat.

Miss. Kerry looks at me. "Wouldn't you agree, Katherina?" I stare at her. She stares back, her brown eyes staring into mine. I hesitate before answering. I knew what I should say, but I knew it wasn't what she wanted to hear. I also knew it would be funny to hear her become angered I answered the way she didn't expect and didn't want me too. "Oh you know, all I know is Marcus came in, they blocked him off from me, because he has threatened me. And the next thing I know is Marcus is down and I being whisked off to safety before he can get up and come after me. Then you show up."

Miss. Kerry presses her lips together. I smirk. "I thought you would know I wasn't asking about that." She said, actually sounding disappointed. I raise an eyebrow as she stands up. It is now that I notice she is wearing a maroon pantsuit with matching heels. "What did you mean then?" I ask. She turns to me and smiles faintly. "What was the noise level?" I rolled my eyes at her dumb question.

Ever since Miss. Kerry came to the school Anna, Jake, Sam, etc had been complaining about a stupid stop light in the cafe. And it monitored the noise levels. It was really stupid to have in a high school lunch room. Green was for a nice, normal volume, yellow was for be careful you're getting a little too loud, while red was more or less for SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE FUCKERS! And Miss. Kerry was always asking random kids in the hallway what the volume level during their lunch had been.

"I couldn't see the light." I said. Miss. Kerry rolled her eyes at me. "Predict what color it was." She said. I felt my anger start to boil up. She was treating this like it was a class. "I guess it was red. RED! R-E-D!" Everyone stared at me. Miss. Kerry nodded. "Indeed. And Jake, what did you do wrong?" Okay I was wrong, she was treating us like we were little kids. Jake had said something, but I hadn't been listening.

"Look, I don't know why Katherina is here, but she didn't do anything." Betty said, finally breaking through the cloud in my head. I looked at her. "She did something." Marcus muttered, causing everyone to look at him. Miss. Kerry smiled. "And this is why she is here. What did she do Marcus?" I sighed. Great, Marcus could say anything. Marcus took a deep breath, looked at the ceiling, and looked at me before looking back at Miss. Kerry. "Were should I start?"


I had never expected to be waiting for my dad in an office chair. I was being sent home early because of stuff that had happened earlier in the year or in way back in the past. Or maybe it was because I started screaming when Marcus was talking, nah, I didn't think it was because of the second option. Jake sat next to me. He was also being sent home. I guess I should have told the principal she was making a mistake believing Marcus. That's when Jake jumped in and tried to make me calm down.

My dad walked into the office, his face mad. "How the hell are both of you getting sent home at the same time?!?!?!" He hissed. I made a face. I wasn't even supposed to be at school. "I screamed." I confessed. "I tried to calm her down." Jake said, raising his hand. My dad shook his head and went to talk to front desk lady. She said something to him and nodded. After awhile of waiting Sam burst into the office, an angry look on his face.

"You three, are grounded." My dad said, grabbing Sam by the wrist and dragging him out of the office. Jake and I exchanged a look and followed after them.

A/N: Okay, I'm soooo sorry this chapter was so short. I had to cut it short because I wanted to make sure I updated my story today. I promise there will be more coming later. I won't be updating tomorrow because I'm going to be gone most of the day, which why I thought it was important for this update.

Once again, I'm so sorry guys! Love you all! Please rate and/comment!

-Xoxox Skye-

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