Chapter Five

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I looked over at May as she sat on my bed doing her homework. "Everything is so different." I mutter, looking at the wall. May looks up at me, I could feel her staring at me. I slowly turned to look back at her. She offers a small smile. "Some for the best some for the worst." I say. May nods. "We will get through this." May whispers to me, her eyes filled with tears. I was confused. I didn't understand why May was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. May shook her head and closed her math book. "I fucked up Katherina. I fucked up." I stared at her, my eyes wide.


Bad question.

May smiled a little bit. "I wasn't prepared for any of this. I should have been. I should be prepared for everything thrown my way." I shake my head. May wasn't prepared for something? What?

"I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Everything seems like another fuck up. I know that this is just life, but it needs to change."

I sigh and close my math book. "May, calm down. We got to stay sane, otherwise we won't be able to see our escape when it comes."

May looked at me. "What if the only escape we have is death?" She whispered, looking at the ground.

I took a deep breath and walked over to May and wrapped her in a hug. "Trust me May, that is not the escape you want. I've tried it." May sniffed and hugged me back. "And you haven't fucked up, not yet."

May pulled apart from our hug and looked me in the eyes. She wiped at her eyes fast. A small smile on her lips. Then it hit me. She was crying because in the room right next door was Jake and Betty. They were laughing and play fighting, we could hear it all. The walls were paper thin. Let's just say, I was glad they weren't having sex.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "May, you broke up with him." I reminded her. She took my arm and flipped it over. I took a deep breath as she pulled up my sleeve. "Yah, and you did this to yourself, but it hurt." I yanked my arm away from her and pulled down my sleeve. "This is different." I said, becoming defensive.

"She's his rebound." May whispered. I nodded. I understood that, I think everyone, but Betty and Jake did. Most people would say that Jake didn't care for May, but May had been his crush for years, and they spent so much time together. Betty, didn't deserve to be a rebound. "She's going to get hurt." May whispered, holding my hand.

"Everyone gets hurt at one point." I point out. May shakes her head. "Everyone in my family." I corrected myself. May sighed. "Do me a favor, make sure that if they breakup, they aren't too hurt when it happens."

I nodded. Of course. I just didn't understand why May broke up with Jake. She was still in love with him. I looked down at the paper May had been writing on.

Jake loves Betty.
No refunds.

May had been in a relationship, one where she watched my brother fall in love with another girl the whole time. That's why he went right for Betty. That's why he took no time. That's why May was so broken.


"Hi Ryan!" I heard Sam say to most likely, Ryan, unless he was calling people by the wrong names as a joke. I took a deep breath. "Hi, is Katherina around?"

And he was laughing.

It was his girlfriend that he was laughing at. As he was laughing Claire started screaming bloody murder and running footsteps echoed around the hall. Anna, needed to reach that baby. Then music started blaring. Jake, most likely, since I was guessing Sam was still at the door.


And Sam was no longer at the door, as it had just slammed shut. People were screaming, a baby was crying, Anna was running, music was blaring, and my father wasn't even home. A knock at my door, got me out of my bed for the first time since May had left.

"Hey, Sam said you would be in here?" Ryan said, glancing around. I nodded and moved over so she could come in. "What's up?" I asked. Ryan made a face at me. "Sam is going a bit crazy." She confessed. I nodded. "Anything I don't know?"

"He wants me to run away with him."

I stared at Ryan with wide eyes. "You said no right?" She nodded. "Good!" She half smiled. "But I think he is going to run away tonight anyways. That or kill Marucs." I took a deep breath and opened my bedroom door. "SAMUEL!!!!" I screamed.

He walked calmly down towards my room. He had a beer in his hand and looked a little buzzed. "Sam, what the fuck!?!?" I ask. He smiles and waves. "I just thought that I would get a bit drunk that way I wouldn't snap and kill that damn baby. Aye! Who knows, maybe imma order some strippers too!!" I gave Sam a look of disgust and pointed to he is girlfriend.

"Awesome! Maybe we can have a threesome!"

I attempted to take the beer away from Sam, but the bottle slipped out of my hands and fell, breaking, on the floor. "No sex! And what is this I here about you running away!??!" Sam smiles, drunkenly. "You think I could roofie someone like Bill Cosby?" I hit my head against the wall while Ryan smacks her boyfriend.

"Sam. Be serious and stop faking drunk you asshole!"

And suddenly Sam likes as sober as can be. "Look, I want to kill people, travel places, get STDs, have sex, and be drunk. Dad is cool with it." Sam said. I shook my head. "Sam you can't avoid your mom, me, Marcus, Anna, Jake, everyone, and whatever else you are running from just by being drunk and sex! Running away ain't gonna solve anything either!"

And then Sam starts crying. I hug him. "Its okay." I whisper. He shakes his head. "It really isn't." He softly pushes me away and looks me in the eyes. "I was suspended because they caught me writing stuff that I regret writing. And if you see it, you will literally never want to see me again." I give Sam a look that had to have said what the fuck you mean bro, before he passes out.

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