Chapter Four

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I sat in my room and I looked around. Grounded. The word kept popping into my head. I was grounded when I hadn't actually done anything besides gone to school. There was a light knock at my door and I got up and made my way toward the door. I pulled it open and stared at Sam. "What?" I spat. He made a face at me. "You got some explaining to do, so don't you make that god damn face at me!"

A glare to me. I started to close my door but Sam stuck his foot in my way. I sighed and opened it a little more. If I hurt him I'd be in even more trouble. "Go away." Sam shook his head. "Dad sent me to get you." I stared into his eyes before I stepped out of my room and into the hall. I shut my door behind me. "Where is he?" I asked. Sam grumbled something that sounded like his office. I walked down the hall and towards the office.

When I got there I opened the door my dad turned to stare at me. His face seemed shocked, as if he wasn't expecting me. "Sam told me you wanted to talk to me." My dad raised an eyebrow at me. "Well, I didn't say that but, I guess I should." I shrugged and sat down I a chair. "Soooooooooooooo" I said after my dad looked right back at his computer. He looked up at me, his face confused for a moment.

"Oh right, the school called they reviewed the security tape forms lunch. You're good to go back Monday." So I wasn't sent home for screaming while Marcus was talking. I nodded and stood up to leave. "Oh and your step-dad is having another surgery Monday as well." My dad added casually. I turned to stare at him, but he didn't seem to notice. I sighed and walked out of his office. "ALSO YOU'RE NOT GROUNDED!" He yelled, seeming to have forgotten to add that to the list of things he was supposed to tell me.


I walked around the house on Monday, careful not to wake Anna or Claire. When I got to the dining room I saw Jake standing there a smile on his face. "Dad talked to the principle for you too?" I asked, brushing past him to get to a glass of Apple juice. Jake pulled me away from the counter and shook his head. "I wouldn't drink that if I were you." I stared at him with a look on my face. "Why did someone roofie it?" I asked, trying to sound serious.

"Something like that." Anna whispered, causing me to jump as I spotted her sitting at the table, rubbing her eyes. "Sam put some of your medication in it." I sat down across from Anna. "Why the hell are you even up?" I asked her. She looked at me with bloodshot eyes. I felt somewhat bad for her. "The baby was up crying not that long ago." I nodded. I hadn't heard anything, but that didn't mean anything. "When do you think that you're going to find someone to adopt her?" Sam asked, stepping into the dining room. His hair was all messy and he was still wearing his pajamas.

Anna shot a glare towards him. "I never said I was going to." She hissed towards him. I placed my hand over hers. "Anna, you got to at least let a family member take care of her until you finish high school." I say. Anna sighs and nods. "I know, grandma or mom, I haven't decided yet." I nod and take the blueberry muffin Anna had been murdering with her hands away from her. "Go back to bed." I whisper. She smiles and leaves me with the boys.

"How come you didn't drink your Apple juice?" Sam asks, looking at me. I raise my eyebrows at him. "How come you aren't dressed? Did you drug your clothes?" Sam looked at me and smiled. "I'm not allowed on school grounds until Wednesday." He said. I didn't really get an answer, but I sort of did. "Whatever." I said as I followed Jake outside.


"And that is why you shouldn't shoot people." Lisa said, crossing her arms across her chest. I slowly shook my head as I wrote down a summary of her presentation.

If you commit a murder, you shouldn't use a gun. Shooting people can leave behind gun residue and bullet casings. Leaving behind such things can lead the cops as the what kind of gun was used and they can track down who owns what kind of gun and what type of bullets it uses. And that's why you shouldn't use shoot people that you wish to kill.

I shuddered at my summary, knowing I had left out a lot of the info. Lisa had gone into detail with her gruesome topic. I placed my pen on my desk and looked over at Lisa as she took her seat next to me. "Watch at lot of crime shows?" I whispered to her. She nodded, proudly. "And my dad is a cop." She whispered back, excitement in her voice. I smiled towards her, suddenly scared and scooted my desk a little ways away from her.

I listened to a kid named Nate go on and on about about something that wasn't important. Before I knew it, I was awoken by the sound of the bell. Nate was still standing in the front of classroom and he just shrugged as everyone filed out of the room.

I walked to lunch with Lisa by my side. She had transferred into my presentation class after the project with Betty and since then, been walking me to lunch. When we walked in the lunch room I spotted Marcus right away. He was sitting with a group of girls with were all twirling their hair and had big, flirty smiles on their faces. Lisa tugged on my arm and distracted me from the girls that were flirting with Anna's baby daddy. "Look Ms. Kerry took the noise meter out!" She cried. I nodded.

So she had, but my focus drifted right back to Marcus. He was an ass. "What is it this time?" Lisa asked. I pointed over towards the table Marcus was at. May had appeared at my side all of a sudden and she loudly gasped. She grabbed my wrist and lead me over to the table. "Yo, Marcus!" May cried, causing the girls to scowl and Marcus to turn and smirk at us.

"What do I owe this fine pleasure?" Marcus asked, looking May up and down. I scoffed. He was hitting on her. He was hitting on May. "Shouldn't you be checking up on your child?" I asked, my lips writing a check I couldn't cash. The girls at the table looked at Marcus with shock. "YOU HAVE A CHILD!?!?!" A pretty brunette screamed. I nodded. "Yes, he does. And the baby's name is Claire." Marcus shot me a nasty glare.

"She named the little shit Claire?" He asked, disgust in his voice. May reached out and slapped him. And she was just in time. If she hadn't done it, I would have. "Look dumb ass, Anna is too good for you. You can go see your kid today after school with May and me or you'll never see her." I said, getting close to Marcus' face.

Marcus glared at me. "I'll be there bitch." He snarled. I made a bitch smile. My stomach flip flopped while the rest of me rejoiced. I had just won a battle with Marcus, but he was going to be in the same room with Claire, Anna, May, Jake, and me. And that was if we were lucky and Sam wasn't going to bother us. Or if Cam wasn't going to poke his noise in our business.


"YOU WHAT!?!?!" Anna screamed, throwing her arms into the air. I flinched. We were standing in the hallway, outside of the nursery. May chuckled at her reaction. "Who else did you fuck?" Jake asked, as he bit into an apple. "Nobody, just I don't want him here." Anna said, lowering her voice. A knock on the door sent Jake to get the door. Anna paced the hallway. I exchanged a glance with May. "Wellll...." May said, traveling off.

"It was just the mail." Jake said, showing me about three envelopes and a package. I took the envelopes out of his hands, because something looked off about one of them. "This one doesn't have a stamp." I muttered as I tore it open. And the only thing that had been written on the paper was: Fuck I look like? I ain't no father.

Well, double negatives, a baby mamma, and a baby prove that statement otherwise.

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