Chapter Seven

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"Yeah, I'm just blasting a few tunes." I lied into the phone. Sam's mother had called to check in. Her voice was laced with suspicion the instant I picked up the phone and not Jake or Anna. "Look, just fuck off. If you want Sam to start to like you, the first step is Trust." And with that I hung up on her.

I turned to face everyone that was in the room. "CLEAR!" I shouted. Music turned up louder and talking, or shouting, returned. I walked back over to where Toby stood by my sister. I smiled at them. "So cute, but why the hell you dealing to my brother?" Toby's face turned white.

I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him down the hallway and out to the pool. "Look, if I find out you are giving him anything else, it wouldn't be the school that is being stunk up and evacuated." Toby nodded. "If it smells like fish in my house, I'm just going to assume you've been there." I took a deep breath and slapped him.

"Fuck my sister lately?" Jake's voice echoed around the hallway. I turned to look at him. He had what looked like two strippers holding onto him. I rolled my eyes. "Oh for God's sake! He has a girlfriend!" I cried. The girls giggled. I looked over to Toby. He seemed to be holding back a laugh.

"Should I call Betty or would you like these sluts to go?" I asked. The girls suddenly unattached themselves from Jake. "Fuck! I don't think he's worth Betty!" One girl squealed. The other one looked petrified. "Bye!" I called as the girls tried to run down the hall, but more or less ended up speed walking since their heels were so damn high.

"Bro! Congrats on fucking this one!!" Jake said offering a high five to Toby. I rolled my eyes. "I actually prefer Anna." Toby said, blushing. I turned to him. "THE BABY BITCH!?!?!" The 3 or so people in the hallway turned to stare. I slapped Jake. "I'm sorry, he's drunk." I whisper. Toby nods. "And I swear to god, the next time you deal drugs to Sam, imma cut off your nut sack."


"Jazzlyn, you got to be kidding me." I said as I looked down from the roof of my house. Jazzlyn smiled. "Oh no! Are you afraid of falling?" She seemed to ask, but knowing her she was actually teasing. I rolled my eyes. "No, it's just, I'm not jumping." She nodded.

"Nobody actually jumps off these things, not unless they are drunk." She whispers, pointing over to Toby. I suck in a deep breath. "He's not drunk, he's just trying to impress Anna." JazLynn nodded and then smiled. "Despite what you may think, he's a good kid." I raised an eyebrow at Jazzlyn's words.

"Just because he's a Junior and she's a freshman doesn't mean he is trying to take advantage of her." Jazzlyn whispered as Anna walked towards us. Anna waved and Jazzlyn responded with a closed mouth smile. "I have a few questions for you." Manny whispered as she sat down, and passed a beer towards Jazzlyn. "Doesn't everyone." I muttered. Jazzlyn's eyes flicked over to me.

"Everyone wants to know something at one point or another." Manny said. I shrugged and laid on the roof.

"Hit me with it."

"Is Sam like your brother?" Jazzlyn blurted out before Manny could even open her mouth. I sat back up. They didn't know? I thought everyone knew by now. "I mean if he is, how? Like what? You guys are in the same grade. Are you actually a triplet, because isn't his birthday the same as yours?" Jazzlyn kept rambling. I covered my face with my hands. Maybe I had gotten outraged family history wrong when I had confronted my mom.

"Are you okay?" Manny asked, placing her hand on my back. I turned to look at her. I stared into her eyes. "I have to rethink a hell of a lot of what I thought I knew to be honest with you." I replied. Manny shook her head. "Jazzlyn I told you not to ask her any of that!" Jazzlyn frowned. "I'm sorry, it's just I can't help myself sometimes."

"Yeah, I got to go." I whispered and started to climb down the ladder that had been left up so people could get up and down from the roof. Manny and Jazzlyn tried to follow but someone I didn't recognize came up and started talking to them. When I turned around, after reaching the ground, I realized Sam was right in front of me. "Come with me." I whispered to him. He gave me a look, but followed anyways.

"When do you think that everyone will be gone?" I asked Sam. He made a face. "As soon as May gets them to leave." He answered. I nodded. "Well, she's about to get them to leave." I grabbed the arm of a girl who was walking outside. "BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DO YO-, oh hey what do you need Katherina?" May seemed to calm down after seeing my face.

"Time to shut it down."


It took an hour to clear the house. I sat across from Sam in his room. He was sober so he would remember anything I said. "First hand me any drugs and knifes." I said, holding out my hand. Sam gave me a look.

"Don't got any. Just tell me what you need to."

I looked at Sam. His hair was a mess, his brown eyes were hopeful, and apparently he had lost his shirt at some point within the last hour. I took a deep breath.

"We might be triplets."

Sam started laughing. It was definitely not the reaction I expected. "What?" I asked him. He wiped away a tear. "You are just catching up on this one!!" I cocked my head to the side and I waited for him to explain, but he never did.

"Sam, what the hell do you mean?" I asked. He suddenly stopped laughing and then looked at me dead serious. "Remember when we were with Milly and she was showing us those photos and said we weren't half siblings?" I nodded and waited for him to go on.

"Well, that wasn't even the first clue. I mean talk about the same year of birth and same day. Same day, month, year and Milly was hinting at us being full blooded siblings was enough for me to figure it out. Plus we spent basically our whole childhood together."

I looked at Sam. He wasn't smiling. There was no playful glint in his eyes. I took a deep breath. "But didn't she say that there was only twins?" Sam smiled at me.

"Sometimes family secrets weren't meant to be dug up."
He whispered into my ear as I fell to the floor.

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