Chapter 2

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I woke up at five am and looked around my room. I was confused on why I was awake so early but then I remember I hadn't taken any medication the night before. I got out of bed and got ready for school. After about an hour I emerged from my room and walked towards the kitchen. "DUDE SHE HAS TO BACK AT SOME POINT!" Jake screamed. I pushed the door open and smiled. Sam shook his head when he saw me. "Look your wish is granted." He muttered, pushing past Jake. He came to a stop in front of me. "Have fun at school." He muttered. I pursed my lips together as the door behind me slammed.

Jake glared at me. "What the hell are you doing up?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a muffin off the counter. "I didn't eat the sandwich." I said, turning to face him. I sniffed the muffin before I ate it. Jake made a face but he minded his own business after that. I tossed the wrapper of the muffin in the trash and walked out of the dining room to get my school bag from my room. When I opened the door I wasn't surprised to see Sam sitting at my desk, waiting for me.

"You are an idiot." I smiled at him. I was going to school and he couldn't stop me. "Look, I'm going to school even if I have to drive myself." I said, grabbing my keys to prove my point. Sam shook his head and grabbed my wrist. "No you aren't." I tried to yank away from him, but he had a strong grip. "Let. Me. Go." I grunted. Sam shook his head slowly. "Put down the keys." I leaned down to bite him, but he quickly switched which wrist he was holding and I let out a scream of pain.

Jake burst into my room and pushed Sam away from me screaming at him. I glared at Sam. He thought he was protecting me, but he was actually hurting me. Jake looked towards me and gave me a signal to leave. I ran towards the front door. When I opened it I was greeted by Cam. His glare was ice cold. "I thought Sam had you taken care of." He said. I rolled my eyes. He sounded like Sam was supposed supposed to kill me.

And maybe Sam was supposed to have killed me when I didn't follow his command. I wasn't sure but the thought left me scared. "Move." I demanded, switching my train of thought on getting Cam to move. Cam just shook his head and started walking closer to me. What was it? Kill Katherina Day? I reached out and slapped Cam. He stepped back in surprise and shock. "I said move." Cam didn't move. He didn't even move the hand away from his mouth.

"AM I SPEAKING ANOTHER LANGUAGE!?!" I cried. Cam smirked. He moved his hand away from his mouth. "No, but I think I might be." I rolled my eyes. Maybe the only reason he was acting like this was because Sam had promised to kiss him or something. That thought had me laughing. "What's so funny?" A girl's voice asked. I turned around to see Betty. "Oh my gosh Betty get me the fuck to school!" I cried, running towards her. She shoot Cam a nasty look as she wrapped me into a hug.

"Of course honey. But you have to tell me that joke on the way there." She said. I promised her I would and she pushed past Cam, making sure I had room to go through as well. She dragged me to her car and we waited for awhile. When she finally started the car up I saw Jake running out of the house. His hair was sticking up and he had a bloody nose.

"What the hell happened?" Betty asked as Jake hopped into the back of the car. Jake coughed and tipped his head upwards. "Got into a fight with Sam about Katherina again. Thanks for getting her past Cam." Betty nodded. I shifted uncomfortably as Betty backed out if the driveway. Sam hadn't walked out of the house yet and Cam had gone inside. "How did you know I'd be awake?" I asked. Betty smiled at me.

"Jake smelled the sandwich last night and called me. I snuck inside and watched Sam's every move and I figured you would be waking up because you didn't eat the sandwich." Betty explained. I nodded my head and stared over at Betty. My brother did a good job by getting Betty as his girlfriend. After May dumped him, Betty and him got together and they seemed perfect together.

"But you do know you have to talk to Josh when we get there?" Betty asked, concern lining her pretty face as she focused on the road ahead of her. "I guess it's time." I whispered. Jake laughed from the back seat. "Let's just hope he hasn't sided with the other two since last night." I shuddered. Cam and Sam were the ones who didn't want me talking to him after all.

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