Chapter Twelve

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        I waited at Sam's door for him. He had been the one saying we had to talk, not me. I looked at my watch and sighed. When I had decided to just leave I noticed Sam was walking down the hallway. "Oh! You were waiting at my room. Why the fuck was I at your room?" He said. I shrugged and watched him unlock the door. He walked into his room and I followed.

   "Promise me you aren't going to knock me out and/or lock me in here again." Sam nodded and held up a pinky in a pinky promise. I nodded and he went to his dresser. After about two minutes he turned towards me and threw a ring at me. I barely caught it.

      I looked at the ring and frowned. Sam had a girls ring in his dresser. "What's this?" I asked him as he walked by me to sit down on his bed. He patted the spot next to him and I walked towards it and sat down. "It's our aunts ring." He whispered. I stared at it some more and then I looked at Sam. "And why do you have it?" I asked.

        Sam pointed to his door, which was still open and then put a finger to his mouth. I had forgotten that our aunt was in the house now. I would never call her my step-mom. I pointed to ring in my hand and made a 'what the hell are you doing with this?' Motion.

     "She divorced our dad. She actually isn't married to him anymore." He whispered. I raised an eyebrow at him and he nodded. "When I was looking through the papers in the box, I noticed a divorce paper." I shook my head. "Can't be real, he thought she was dead."

     Sam shook his head at me and then took the ring out of my hand. "He thought she was dead, but when he found out the truth he kept it from me, to protect me, and then he divorced her for what she had done to this family." He explained.

      "Why do you have her ring?

        "Because she was instilling wearing it, so I stole it."

       I walked out of my room with my aunt's ring on my hand and in a swimsuit that was covered with a light purple dress. "Bye dad! Have fun!" I called from the hall as I heard my dad say he was leaving on a business trip. Our aunt had left to go hang out with some friends earlier.

      I walked around the house, my high heels making a clicking noise on the title and the wood floors. I noticed that Jake was ordering pizzas while Sam was setting out all kinds of drinks. Sam and Jake turned to look at me when they heard the heels on the floor. "DDAAAAUUUUMMMMM! WHO YOU LOOKIN' GOOD FOR?!?!" Jake yelled, apparently already a little buzzed.

     I laughed and then twirled around. "She probably wants to show off to her ex." Sam said, staring at my hand. I shook my head. "I didn't even know Josh was coming." I said. Jake smirked and Sam was still staring at my ring. "Who are you dressed up for?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes. "My own damn self." I said. I continued walking down the stairs and I stopped once I got to Jake.

       "Can we make sure everyone is safe tonight?" I asked Jake. He smiled and pulled out condoms from his pocket. "WAYYYY ahead of ya." I made a face and turned away from him. "That's not what I meant drunkie."

     Manny walked up to me and then stared at me. "Have you seen Jazzlyn?" She asked. I shook my head. "Damn it, I'm going to kill her if she is off having sex!" Manny started to walk away but I grabbed her wrist. "Who would she have sex with?" I asked. Manny smiled at me, then frowned when she realized that I didn't know. "Jaxson."

       I took a deep breath. Jaxson used to be Jazzlyn's least favorite person, but now there was a chance she was having sex with him? "If it helps, Jake stocked a lot of places with condoms." I offered. Manny laughed and then she cocked her head to the side. "Is the rumor true?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know which one you mean. There are too many going around about me." I said. Manny nodded.

     "Hey you and Jazzlyn should sleep over on Friday." I said. Manny smiled at the offer. "Yeah, totally! After the game we will just drive here." I nodded. I had forgotten that there were two games that week and one of them had been canceled. "Good luck with Jazzlyn." I said. I gave Manny a hug and she started to go looked for Jazzlyn again.

       I watched Manny run down the hallway until I felt arms wrap around my waist. "How you doin' sexy?" I looked down at the hands and then I felt myself panic. "Let go of me." I said in a stern voice. The hands around my waist tightened. "Nooooooooooo." The boy who was hugging me from behind drew out his no.

       "Let's go swim." He whispered into my ear, as I struggled to get away from him. I scrunched up my nose at the smell of his beer breath. "I SAID LET GO OF ME!" I yelled as the boy started carrying me outside, to the pool. I started kicking and I missed him several times.

      A few people turned to stare, but they didn't do anything. I screamed loudly and then the boy whispered in my ear again: "Stop screaming, we are just going for a swim." I felt anger boil inside of me. "God damn it Josh, let go of me!" I cried out. Josh kissed the top of my head and then he pushed us both into the pool.

         I soon popped above the surface and a drunk Josh was in front of me. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I swam away from him. I got to the ladder of the pool before he tugged on me again. I turned around and he grabbed my boob. I screamed as loud as I could, as Josh kept squeezing my boob.

     There was a loud splash in the water as someone jumped in. The next thing I knew Toby had slapped Josh. Toby turned to me and motioned for me to leave. He turned back to Josh and punched him. "Don't ever touch my girl again." He said through bared teeth.

      When he got out of the pool, I noticed that Josh looked shocked by the turn of events. Toby walked up to me and gave me a hug. "You're all wet." I said, laughing. Toby looked at me surprised. "And you're already laughing." He observed. I nodded. "Thanks Toby." I whispered, he nodded. We walked into the house together.

     I stopped a pretty blonde girl with green eyes as she was walking towards the pool. "Do you know where Sam is?" I asked. She nodded and pointed down the hall where a bunch of kids were sitting and just talking. I motioned for Toby to follow me. We walked down the hall, dodging people's feet and keeping an eye out for Sam.

      When we found him he sprung up from where he was sitting with Ryan. "What the hell happened to you two?" He asked. I took a deep breath and watched Ryan stand up. "Josh." I said. Sam nodded. "Need to borrow some clothes man?" He asked. Toby nodded and they both left.

     Ryan opened her mouth and I nodded. She made a face. "That's disgusting." I nodded and peeled off my dress to reveal my swimsuit. "He probably just ruined those shoes too." Ryan said, staring at my heels. I shrugged. "I doubt the bells are ruined, but the dress, that's definitely ruined." I said, tossing my dress on the ground.


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