Chapter 2: Familiar Faces

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Kirsten turned around to face the Stitchers team. Everyone stood completely still like they're feet were glued to the grimy floor. Cameron was holding his forehead, clearly looking distraught. Maggie stood firmly with her arms crossed, staring at the message while Linus's eyes darted from the walls to the ceiling. Camille broke the uncomfortable silence by smacking her lips.

"Well, this day officially sucks."

"It's like some kind of riddle," Cameron said, his eyes narrowed, "like he's making a game out of this."

Linus sighed heavily staring at the board, showing minimal emotion.

"But why would someone make a game out of finding me and killing innocent people in the process?" Kirsten said. Cameron clicked his teeth and directed his hazel-green eyes to the floor, expressing a unbreakable concentration.

"Hey, at least we aren't stuck in here like zoo animals. You remember what happened to us the last time we got stuck in here, hashtag nightmare." Camille said making the number sign with both her middle and pointer fingers.

"Please don't use the word hashtag in this lab." Cameron pleaded disapprovingly shaking his head. Camille shrugged defensively, staring daggers at him.

"Whatever this riddle means, it spells trouble for this entire team, especially Kirsten. I'm not putting the lab on lockdown but," Maggie started.

"Yes! Thank you boss!" Camille interjected smiling ear to ear. Her smile was wiped off of her face when she saw the rest of the team's crossed arms and raised eyebrows.

"What? A girl can celebrate." Camille retorted, rolling her eyes peevishly. Maggie stifled a chuckle before continuing to speak.

"All I know is that we all must keep a low profile, especially you Kirsten."

"Maggie, I know I'm your precious government asset, but sitting around waiting for this killer to give up pursuing me is not sitting well." Kirsten snapped testily with her eyes narrowed towards Maggie.

"Well that's just tough luck. I've already called Detective Fisher to interrogate potential suspects. And since you have zero respect for my authority Kirsten, you're job is to come to work and back again under strict supervision, and no field work." Maggie said as she stalked up to her office and crudely slammed the door behind her.

"That went well." Camille said sarcastically. Linus sniffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right, does it ever go well?"

Kirsten ignored their comments and began to head back to the changing room, but Cameron stopped her.

"Hey, where exactly are you going?"

"Going to find Dale's killer. " Kirsten said dully.

"What, no! Do you have a death wish? Besides, if you're going, I'm going."

"Awe, I appreciate the act of bravery, but I'd rather go alone thanks."

"Fisher's already on the case and if you leave, you'll be on Maggie's naughty list. Plus, If you get hurt on my watch, I don't know what I'd do with myself." Cameron said gingerly, looking her right in her eyes.

Kirsten's expression softened as he looked for an answer in her facial cues.

"Well, I'll think about it," Kirsten said, briefly clutching her chin looking upwards, "Done! I'm going whether you're coming or not." she said stubbornly as she ambled up to the dressing room as swiftly shut the door before Cameron could rebut.


Kirsten cautiously came out of the dressing room, her eyes darting, scanning the lab hoping not to see Maggie keeping a overly watchful eye on her. She stepped inside the elevator when someone forcefully grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the elevator. She whipped around to see Cameron gazing at her with a trivial look of distress etched on his face. Kirsten gave him a rigid gaze before Cameron realized that his hand was still resting on her wrist. He hastily released before speaking, his face blushing the color of a reddish flame.

"Hey, I know what you're trying to do, and you're not going alone." He said sternly, his blushing face difficult to overlook. Kirsten sighed flashing a glance beyond his shoulder, making sure no one was in hearing range.

"Cameron, when I was in the stitch, I saw someone very familiar to me and I need to investigate this by myself. I need to know why this person was close to Dale."

Cameron's facial expression rapidly shifted, glaring at Kirsten skeptically.

"Who was it?" He asked curiously. Kirsten said nothing, her eyes only drifted towards the floor.

"Kirsten, who was the person you saw?" He pressed gently. Kirsten looked into Cameron's eyes, pleading for no one to hear her next comment.

"My mother."

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