Chapter 6: Too Late

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The elevator dinged once more as Kirsten and Cameron came bustling into the now deserted Stitchers laboratory. Kirsten began to call out, walking up steps into offices and rooms, desperately searching for any sign of life.

"Linus! Camille! Maggie! Anybody?" she cried as she jogged around the lab. She made her way to the Corpse Cassette where she held her forehead in shear frustration. Deep depression and guilt began to wash over her as reality began to sink in.

It's too late, everyone's gone. He was here all because of me. Kirsten thought miserably as she leaned against the Cassette and lowered her head, clearly ready to surrender to the unthinkable truth. As if Cameron could read her thoughts, he came ambling over to her, reached out his hand and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. Usually, Kirsten would object to such a gesture, but she simply stood there motionless, watching Cameron's facial cues. She could feel her face become red and her eyes glistened with tears, making Cameron's silhouette appear hazy.

"Kirsten, don't blame this on yourself." he said gingerly. Kirsten said nothing but nodded. She then suddenly felt a surge of anger towards his gentleness. What does he know about my feelings? He wasn't the target of some riddle, he wasn't being hunted like a wild animal.......

Cameron seemed to pick up on her anger and backed away from her slightly. She could see him staring her apologetically, his eyes glossy as he lowered his head giving Kirsten the silence she needed to cool down.

"Hey," Cameron said weakly, catching her eyes. Kirsten looked up at him, the sudden anger she felt towards him now evaporating, "you always told me Marta's death wasn't my fault, and I never seemed to believe you. But now you need to believe me." he said, his voice stern but still had a gentle tone to it. Kirsten turned her eyes to him, giving him a concentrated stare.

"Alright Girlfriend, I believe you." Kirsten said as monotonously as she could smirking. Cameron laughed, making Kirsten chuckle along with him.

"I'm serious Stretch." Cameron said raising his eyebrows at her. Her smile soon faded as she took a long gander at the empty Stitchers lab. She inhaled sharply, feeling her eyes well up again. She normally never showed any emotion, but now with the possibility of having almost the entire Stitchers team be dead or dying because of her, her head spun with guilt and frustration at not being here to protect them. She never even had the chance to warn them. Cameron narrowed his eyes in suspicion and concern.

"Kirsten, what is it?" he asked meekly. Before she could respond, a deep shudder-some voice came from behind them.

"Awe, what a lovely moment between friends, but I'm on a tight schedule here so you need to wrap this up."  Kirsten and Cameron both snapped their heads around to see Eli Parkway leaning against the railing of the mezzanine of the second floor dressed in tattered jeans, a black sweatshirt and cloak wrapped around his broad shoulders. He had mousy blonde hair ruffled in a messy pile on top of his head and piercing grey eyes that gleamed profoundly even without lighting. She glanced at Cameron, who was now shoulder to shoulder with her glowering at the new visitor.

"How did you get in here." He demanded not taking his eyes off of Eli. Eli began to laugh to himself shaking his slightly oval shaped head at them.

"Please Dr. Goodkin," Eli said slowly emphasizing every word he spoke. "I'm just here to pick up something." He said casually, making Kirsten shiver with disgust.

"Nothing in this lab is yours to take." Cameron sneered. Eli smiled once again walking towards the steps to the main floor. Cameron reached out his hand to block Kirsten's front as she turned her head to see his eyes fixed on Eli, poised to strike if needed.

"You see, I'm on official business."

"For what? Harming the well being of innocent people just to find one person for your so-called 'job?' You know how shallow that makes you look Mr. Parkway?" Kirsten interjected roughly, catching Eli off guard. Cameron eyed her nervously but centered his gaze on Eli again. She was almost sure that she heard him whisper her name under his breath.

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