Chapter 12: Cracked the Code

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Daniel Stinger watched as his daughter's once writhing form began to settle from the extreme overflow of blood red water in the tank, but he surprised himself. The last time he saw Kirsten close to death, he regretted ever using her as a test subject for Stitchers and killing off his wife in the process. But now, it seemed as if he were the one who had Temporal Displaysia. He felt absolutely no remorse (or any emotion for that matter) as Kirsten's body could no longer be seen beneath the scummy water. His revenge plan was working. He could finally strike fear into the program, let them know how it feels to be sabotaged, betrayed, grief-stricken. If he could just hit the program where it hurt most, he could cripple them at last. They took away this wife, now he had to take away their most desired possession. Liam Granger nudged Daniel's shoulder, careful not to jostle Mr. Stinger's thoughts too much.

"Sir, he's awake again," Liam said over Kirsten's shrieks of panic and pointed to Cameron's monitor. Cameron indeed had awoken, and was twisting his wrists and ankles vigorously trying to free himself, "should we attempt to apprehend him?"

Daniel looked from Liam, then to Eli Parkway, who was now making his way to the conversation.

"No gentlemen, you've had your time. I have better plans for Dr. Goodkin." Daniel said, gazing from the tank to a steel-reinforced door just a few feet away. Eli and Liam exchanged rather bland glances to one another as Daniel walked away from the control panel and began to pace around the chamber fiddling with his cell phone.


Cameron's frustrated outbursts reverberated across the room as the brush burns from the metal restraints on his bare wrists cut deeper from squirming relentlessly. The only progress he made with escaping was managing to bang his head on the table and earn a goose-egg sized bump on the back of his head.

"Dang it!" he shouted to the wall in front of him. He lifted his hands as far as he could in the restraint when a flashing red signal caught his eye. Underneath his right palm lay a small button flashing a florescent red shade. Before he could stop himself, he slammed his palm hard onto the metal and the button, making his hand tingle.

Suddenly all his restraints were lifted, making him gasp. He exhaled in relief as he sat up slowly to re-adjust himself.

Then the thought hit him like a ton of boulders: Kirsten. Cameron jumped off the table and sprinted to the steel door, his shoes slipping on the dusty floor. He yanked the door open to reveal steep narrow staircase. Cameron clung to the doorway to avoid falling down into the darkness ahead of him. He inhaled a stuttering breath before hastily walking down the steps two at a time, hoping his natural instinct would lead him to the right place.


Liam and Eli were huddled around the central monitor watching as Cameron blindly made his way down the two flights of staircases leading down the lab. Daniel stood in front of the fish tank staring blankly into the murky water.

"Doctor, he's approaching. He only has one more hallway," Eli said as he felt a nervous ping in his stomach, "you never told us what the protocol was for when he actually got here."

"Are you really that stupid Parkway?! What do you think he's going to try and do when he gets here?" Daniel asked fiercely.

"Try and take us down to protect Kirsten." Eli argued.

"EXACTLY! What we need to do is follow that plan! Wherever Kirsten is, Cameron follows. Got it Parkway, is it too complicated for you?"

"I don't do complicated." Eli said giving him a cocky eye-roll.

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