Chapter 18: Timing is Everything

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Complete silence covered the crash site like a thick blanket. Police officers crouched low with guns aimed straight at Daniel and Kirsten, while Camille, Linus and Cameron stood transfixed at the turn of events. Camille's eyes glistened with tears as Linus moved over to where she was standing. Cameron only watched helplessly as Daniel held Kirsten's head back with tears running straight down her face. He watched as her eyes scanned the area around her, recognizing everyone. Daniel made a sudden movement toward the awaiting hoard of centurions. Each one raised their guns higher at them, but Daniel laughed maniacally, the knife digging deeper into Kirsten's skin. A high cry rang out, and Cameron felt his heart rip open. He gripped the black mass in his hand tighter, but he had a plan. It may not be the best, but he had to try.

"Don't anyone move! You even take the safety off of one gun, and she's gone," Daniel sneered, his face contorted into a rabid smile. "I can't concentrate with all of these guns out." he muttered. Cameron stepped forward a smidgen, making Camille and Linus gasp. Daniel's head snapped in his direction and began to mutter in Kirsten's ear, making her sob.

"You see that? I knew Cameron would make a bold move. The boyfriends always do."

"Daniel," Cameron said against the protests of his friends. "I'll make this easy for you." 

He turned toward Fisher. "Stand down."

"Excuse me?" Fisher replied, his voice escalating.

"Just trust me, okay? Tell your men to stand down!" Fisher's eyes danced between Cameron and Daniel, then motioned to his officers. Each of them had looks of concern and panic, but obeyed.

Cameron turned back to Daniel, whose crazed expression slackened slightly. "Now it's just you and me." 

Daniel chuckled. "Yes, I quite enjoy our little chats." 

Cameron's stony expression chilled Kirsten to the bone as he began to slowly approach the van, each step a half an inch closer than the last.

"A knife is not usually your weapon of choice."

"Well, just killing Kirsten the easy way wouldn't be very fun." Daniel said tightening his grip on the knife at Kirsten's throat.

"Right," Cameron said, straining to keep his voice steady. "a gun would be a quicker way to do things, like when you wanted to dispose of Turner and Ed." 

He knew he hit a soft spot. Daniel's eyes turned wide and pushed the knife harder against Kirsten, who cried out in pain. He felt himself flinch at the sound.

"There's a reason for everything. Your mother should know all about that."

Cameron felt his breath leave his body.  "My mother?"

Daniel's deranged smile only worsened. "Of course! She was the one who ordered Barbiero to kill Fisher that one night, and then sent direct messages to Kirsten through his phone calls. She even tried to call off Barbiero's plans because she saw you walk by her car near the restaurant. She even went as far as ordering Barbiero to follow you and Kirsten around to make sure you two were safe! Don't you see? I'm not the only culprit here! I think it's time that you stop pointing fingers at me and start digging elsewhere! "

"I'll only do that if you let Kirsten go." Cameron said, his head spinning from the overload of information. 

"No can do, son. I'm afraid Kirsten knows too much now, and so do you." Daniel said. He began to reach into his sweatshirt pocket but Cameron was too fast for him. He pulled Camille's gun out from behind his back and pointed it straight at Daniel's head. 

"C-Cameron, d-don't. It's not w-worth it." Kirsten murmured as she caught his eyes. Cameron quickly broke the gaze and turned one last time to Daniel, who was whispering in Kirsten's ear again.

"You're right sweetheart. Nothing in this world is worth it anymore. You know Cameron, you should really stop trying to be the hero of your little bunch-"

"That's what I keep telling him," Maggie's shrewd voice emerged from the crowd, making Cameron's grip on his gun slip. "Now, I want my agent back please." She pulled her handgun out and fired a single shot at Daniel's elbow, and a terrible scream issued from him. He retracted his knife hand away from Kirsten, who nearly fell into Cameron's arms. She flung her own around Cameron's neck and buried her face into his chest. Cameron pulled her away from the van and protectively embraced her as Maggie, Fisher and another handful of detectives flocked the place where Daniel was already on his feet and angrily advancing on the approaching officers.

Kirsten lifted her eyes to the scene only to hear two gunshots ring out in Daniel's direction. She instinctively shut her eyes tight and began to cry into Cameron, whose head was turned in the other direction.


Sirens blared as an ambulance arrived to take Daniel away. Kirsten remained still in Cameron's arms until the the vehicle was safely making its way to the nearest hospital. She looked up at Cameron, whose expression was gentle despite the bruising and cuts.

"You look like you need a kale tarragon breakfast smoothie, Stretch." Cameron said laughing.

"No, please not another one of those!" Kirsten said with a mixture of a laugh and a sob.

"C'mon! They're good once you get past the first sip-" Kirsten shook her head playfully before flinging her arms around Cameron's neck and kissing him full on the mouth. Cameron soon kissed back with one hand on her cheek, relishing the giddy feeling in his stomach. 

"OI!!! I've been trying to get your attention for a minute now!" Linus's voice cut across the moment, making Kirsten and Cameron break apart. Kirsten still kept her arms around Cameron's neck as Camille now came up to the conversation.

"LINUS!!! Don't you see that Camsten is finally happening! Don't ruin it!" Camille hissed at him, making his ears turn crimson. 

"What did you just call us?" Cameron said, making the rest of the team laugh.

"Your official ship name, duh! Now, carry on!" Camille said grabbing Linus's arm and pulling him away from the pair. 

Kirsten turned back to face Cameron and leaned in once more before hearing their names being called by both Fisher and Maggie. They broke apart and stood to face them with pink cheeks and fluttering hearts.

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