Chapter 8: My Hands Are Tied

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SPOILER ALERT!!!!: This chapter contains material explained in Stitchers Episode 10: Full Stop; If you have not seen this episode yet, I would STRONGLY suggest not reading this chapter until you have seen the Season 1 finale. Read at your own risk!

Kirsten struggled against her captors' weight as they made their way up the elevator of the Stitch Lab. Her face was blotchy with tears as the image of Cameron motionless on the ground being dragged away by Liam replayed in her mind over and over like a faulty record player.

Now Kirsten never showed any emotion, like none at all, but something clicked inside her brain as she watched Cameron being attacked. She began to feel strong emotions that were foreign to her. As she witnessed Cameron's ambush, her heart began to pump fast with adrenaline, her breathing turned shaky, and she felt a nauseous feeling in her stomach. It was not just any regular nauseous feeling though, but one that came from deep inside her. It was almost like a wave of guilt, defeat and sorrow blended together to form a dangerous mixture of excruciating pain.

When she saw him on the ground lying there, all the feelings hit her like a titanic tsunami. Time stood still (considering her temporal displaysia) as she watched Liam maim Cameron. She thought she knew Liam so well, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Now she'd just witnessed him assault Cameron, the only friend who truly ever worried about her, even if it was a tad excessive. Cameron, the first person Kirsten actually trusted in her life, now was genuinely lost and possibly dying, all because of her. First her mother, then Ed, and now Cameron. She had no one left. She was absolutely alone, without anyone to confide in.

Kirsten was snapped out of her thoughts as her assailants carried her out of the elevator into the storage room of the Chinese restaurant, where the hostess was lying unconscious on the floor. Kirsten was still sobbing as a black bag was placed over her head and was forcefully carried away by her subduers into the unknown.


Cameron awoke suddenly with his head resting on his forearm. He blinked several times to clear the grey haze covering his vision. All he saw were black walls surrounding him as if he was swallowed into a perplexing black hole. All that was above him was a starting beam of light shining down on him making him wince.

Cameron hastily looked around at his surroundings, desperately searching any signs of life. All he knew was that we wasn't at the Stitch Lab anymore. He could feel his heart beat in his throat as he realized that he was tied "Frankenstein" style to a metal table. He could hear no noise except his own jittery breaths. He knew that calling for Kirsten was hopeless, but it was worth a shot.

"Kirsten! Kirsten, if you can hear me show yourself!"

"There will be no need to call for Kirsten." A deep British-accented voice called from behind him. Cameron whipped his head around to see Liam smirking at him. Cameron mustered up the worst scowl he could possibly produce and shot it at Liam. He only laughed in response.

"I'm sorry Cameron, but your attempts to threaten me are quite inconsequential. You see, I didn't think you were really that naive to even think for a moment that we would put you and Kirsten in the same place. But apparently you really are just that stupid." Liam ridiculed. Cameron remained motionless as he began to pace around him.

"Oh Mr. Goodkin, you are quite incorrect to think that you and Kirsten could escape our clutches unscathed. You have been chosen for a very special assignment that even you would be impressed with."

Cameron did not notice at first, but his eyes began to slightly well up with tears. If she dies tonight from this so called plan, it would be fully his fault, just like Marta's. Liam shook his head disapprovingly at Cameron before making his way towards a dark archway.

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