Chapter 16: The Abduction

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Kirsten's neck snapped upward as she came to. The blinding sun greeted her first from the back van window, making her eyes sting. The rope burns came next, pricking her like pins and needles. Then, rapid breathing was last. She felt her chest contract and expand faster than a normal pace, sending her in a panicked frenzy.

Her eyes darted all around the van. Expensive gadgets, tracking computers and other equipment lined the entire vehicle. The most excruciating thing that she laid her eyes upon was the window, the buildings and miles of road sped past her. Each mile meant that she was farther and farther away from Cameron, Linus, and Camille. She felt her eyes well with tears, but she did not try and blink them away. In fact, she didn't even feel her expression change. She blankly stared out the window, sifting through her memory file. The images that flooded her brain shattered when Liam Granger appeared before her, smirking.

"Hello pretty girl."

"Get away from me!" Kirsten snarled, struggling in her chair against the roped restraints.

"Oh! She's a feisty one," Liam said leaning in close to Kirsten and grabbing her chin. "Look, I'm not a 'rip the bandage off fast' kind of guy, but Mr. Wonderful isn't coming to save you now. That was luck then, but this is the real world Kirsten, and you need to wake up!"

Kirsten flinched in her seat and violently shook her head. "What happened to you, why are you acting like this? Why are you allowing Daniel to twist your mind?"

Liam only chuckled. "Your father has shown me what its like to finally understand you people, what you do, and your true purpose.

"Of course, you wouldn't know the true purpose of your work. Marta never got to tell you." Liam said.

Kirsten's eyes widened. "M-Marta?"

"M-Marta?" Liam mocked. "Oh course I knew Marta! She was my eyes and ears. She helped me rope you into our little game. Now look at us."

Kirsten's mouth opened to say something, but no sound was audible.

"Shocking isn't it?" Daniel Stinger said, suddenly walking up beside Liam. Kirsten stared up at Daniel, her heart pounding inside her chest.

"You look nervous," Daniel said kneeling beside her. "Don't worry, daddy's here."

Kirsten attempted to lung toward him, but the ropes chafed even more, causing her to cry out in pain.

"You will never be my father. My father is dead." Kirsten said, directing her gaze toward the window.

"Very well, my daughter is truly lost." Daniel said and he steadied himself on the moving platform and simply stared at her eyes, which were fixed on something.

"What are you looking at!" Daniel spat as he forcefully grabbed her chin and yanked it toward him, but she was still trained out the window. Daniel followed her eyes to a inky colored sports car speeding toward them.

"Grab your guns." Daniel ordered to Liam and Eli, who was driving the van. He released Kirsten's chin and walked to the vehicle's front. Kirsten dared not to move, for she was afraid that if she even blinked, Cameron's form in the front seat might vanish.

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