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"And where the hell have you two been?" Stephanie shrilled, marching towards us before I even had to time to put down my bag.

"Sorry Steph, somebody lost their precious bow" Annie explained, giving me wide-eyed knowing look.

I laughed lightly, "Shhh you, we're not even that late"

"Hm... I suppose there's no harm done this time, but don't make it a regular thing, okay?" Stephanie warned, a sense of playfulness in her voice.

Even though she was strict with us, we knew it was only because she cared and wanted us to do well. I respected her in that way.

"We've only got nine more days to nail this routine remember?"

"Yes we know... You literally remind us everyday"

"I know, I know" she exhaled, tucking her short red hair behind her ears in an agitated way, "Anyway, Sam is over there waiting for you"

Sam. Sam is my dance partner and probably the best guy friend that I have. I met him through dance as well when we were about seven. We just seemed like instantly click.

I mean I guess I was forced to trust him a lot because he basically has to throw me around in the air all the time. He is one of the few guys who are actually in our dance group too. Not that that bothers him. I think he likes the female attention.

I gave Annie a little nod goodbye before strutting over to where Sam was stretching in the floor.

"Hey" I said, kicking his outstretched foot lightly.

"Oh my god, you're here... finally" he smiled, hauling himself quickly and brushing off his dusty hand on his legs.

"Yeah sorry... I lost my bow" I giggled, pointing at the ribbon wrapped around my head.

"Well at least you've got your priorities straight" he smirked, flicking my bow playfully. I pushed his shoulder gently and giggled again.

"C'mon, let's just get started."

"Yes ma'am"

He strolled over to where his phone was attached to a speaker system. He flipped through to find the song our routine was set to and the sweet melody filled the studio. There were other partners who also joined in at this point, but I didn't focus on them.

Only on Sam.

Gently he placed one large hand on the curve of my hip and the other gripped my hand tightly. I positioned my arm so that it was slightly bent and held it strong. I couldn't risk having spaghetti arms.

"One... Two... Three..." Sam whispered under his breath. On three, our feet began to move, mirroring each other closely. I kept my eyes focused on his at all times in order to concentrate.

The rule was never to look at your feet, only straight forward. Sam let go on my hip and twirled me gracefully on the spot. I pivoted quickly to the music before finding my hand on his shoulder again.

I couldn't describe the way the music made me feel. It just seemed so instinctive to me, like I was born to do this. I was born to dance. The movements came so naturally to me that I lost myself in the moment and before I knew it the song had ended.

"That was really good" Sam praised, letting his arms fall to his sides. I removed myself for my euphoric state and grinned.


"Yeah of course, you're a natural."

"Thanks" I replied shyly. Even though he had said that to me before I never got used to it. I guess I was just so used to joking around with Annie, that I was caught off guard when someone was actually being serious.

Sam then quickly paced over to the speaker in order to replay the song,

"Alright let's go again."


"Phew I'm knackered" I sighed, as I met up with Annie again as we exited the studio. Rehearsals were over, for today at least and it had really taken it out of me.

But I didn't mind, the exhilaration that I got from doing it was worth the exhaustion.

"Me too, how about we go get something to eat?" Annie suggested.

"Sounds good... Bye Sam!" I called as he made his way in opposite direction. He turned and waved at me before crossing the street and disappearing round the corner.

I felt bad for not going after him and asking if he wanted to get something to eat with us, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

"So how is yours and Alex's routine going?" I asked.

Alex was Annie's dance partner and he was super nice. It was also blatantly obvious that he had a huge crush on her, not that she ever realised it. I tried to tell her a couple of times but she always just denied it.

"Alright I guess... Although he did step on my foot three times"

"He was too busy gazing into your eyes" I teased, suppressing a giggle.

She rolled her eyes, "Will you stop... Alex doesn't not like me that way"

"Oh he so does! Of course he does, he-"

Just then my mobile began to ring loudly inside my pocket, I pulled it out swiftly,

"It's Tommy" I squealed, glancing at the caller ID. In a flash, I answered it.


"Hey Pops, you finished?"

By that he meant dancing. I loved how he knew exactly where I would be.

"Yeah, just a second ago why?"

"Just wondering if you wanted to come and meet me in the cafe down River Lane?" He asked in his low husky voice.

My heart nearly melted.

I bit my lip and glanced up at Annie, who was picking her nails in a bored way as she waited for me to hang up.

I debated in my head what I should do. I had already agreed to go for Annie for something to eat, but I also didn't want to disappoint Tommy. I was so torn.

In the end I made my decision, I could hang out with Annie anytime.

"Yeah, sounds good... I'll meet you in like, twenty minutes?" I said, my voice lowering slightly so that Annie might not hear. Evidently though she did as her head snapped up and a frown replaced her bored expression.

"Alright, see you then babe"

"See you then" I replied, grinning from ear to ear at the fact he called me babe. I wasn't even his girlfriend yet and he had a pet name for me.

My heart soared in my chest, but instantly sank when I saw the look on Annie's face.

"You're meeting Tommy huh?" The disappointment in her voice very prominent.

"Err yeah..." I mumbled, "Listen Anne I'm sorry, but we can get lunch some other time yeah?"

"Yeah okay whatever..." she shrugged, brushing it off as though it was nothing. But I knew it was to her.

I was split into two emotions. Guilt and excitement. I just wasn't sure which one was more noticeable.

"Thanks Anne, you're the best" I smiled, giving her a quick hug before hastily saying bye and strolling down the opposite direction of the street.

When I glanced back, she was still stood in the same spot looking glumly at the ground. My heart dropped and I seriously debated heading back, but I didn't.

Because I had a 'Look' magazine model look-a-like waiting for me.

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