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"Now, your projects on mitosis are due in next lesson, remember that!" Miss Travis shouted from the front of the class. Oh, how I hated science. I didn't care about the dividing of cells or whatever mitosis actually was, it was all useless information to me.

I knew what job I was going to have in the future. I was going to be a dancer and that was that. I didn't need science at all.

"Right, can you all hand in this week's homework to the front and then you may leave!" Miss shouted again. There was a light groan from the class, but she didn't mention it.

Despite not caring one bit about the lesson, I had, in fact, done the homework because I'm too much of a nerd not to. I didn't like missing things out; perhaps that was the perfectionist inside me.

I guess it came from my dancing nature. I was used to always be perfect, with the precise steps at the precise moment. It was drilled into me to always do things to the best of my ability.

So I causally handed my work to the person sat in front of me and then swung my bag off the ground.

There was a loud scrapping sound of chairs against the vinyl flooring as everyone else in the class stood up. I followed their actions and then made my way hastily out of the doorway.

Thank god that was over, not that I was actually paying attention half the time anyway. I was too busy day dreaming about what had happened between Tommy and I at the river. It seemed like a vision of my vivid imagination but I was certain it had actually happened. I was just struggling to believe it.

As I swung my bag over my shoulder and exited the room, I found myself in the narrow, bustling corridor. It was always like this when lunchtime occurred.

Suddenly I caught a glimpse of Annie, who was walking in the opposite direction. She was distinctive because of her cherry coloured hair. I carefully pushed past a few helpless Year Sevens, who looked terrified by the large crowds of people who towered over them.

"Hey Anne! Over here!" I called, waving my arm frantically in order to get her attention.

Slowly she turned around and gave me a small smile. It looked strained though, as if she wasn't actually happy to see me. I couldn't help but frown.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked when she finally reached me. I pulled her gently to the side where the lockers were, which wasn't so hectic.

She shrugged nonchalantly,

"Nothing, why?"

"Well... you look bloody miserable" I replied lightheartedly, although I knew there was something actually wrong with her, "Is this about yesterday?"

"No I said I was fine with that, didn't I?" She snapped, folding her arms across her chest.


I could tell she was lying. She was a god awful liar. I knew I had pissed her off by ditching her for Tommy but I thought she would understand.

Besides I was still yet to tell her about the fact that he was now officially my boyfriend. Although I don't think that would change things.

"Anne... C'mon..." I whined again, begging for her to just spit it out and tell me.

"Fine. I am pissed off alright?" She spat, "We had plans and you just cancel them like... like they didn't even matter just to hang out with Mr. Lover Boy..."

I snorted with laughter, "Don't call him that, anyway I'm sorry okay? But I've got something to tell you, we-"

"I'm serious... I'm pissed at you"

"Okay, okay but-"

"Pops... I don't care"


"I don't care about you and Tommy... I mean you obviously care about him much more than you do me, so why should I?"

I was slightly taken aback by her harsh behaviour. Man, she really wasn't messing around this time. She was seriously pissed off with me and I didn't like it at all. I hadn't meant to hurt her; I just didn't think she would be this bothered.

"Woah Anne, I said I was sorry?"

"Yeah but I don't think you actually meant it..." She sighed, unfolding her arms and allowing them to drop by her sides.

The corridor was a lot quieter now so what she was saying impacted me even more. I focused on the disappointment evident in her expression.

Maybe she had a point; I was only really apologising to shut her up so that I could tell her about Tommy and me. That wasn't fair. She was my best friend and she deserved better than that. I just wasn't so great at apologising.

I sighed, "Anne... I really am sorry, you're my best friend... I didn't mean to ditch you... You said you were alright with it..."

She raised an eyebrow at me as though I was completely stupid or something, which I was beginning to think I kind of was.

"Of course I wasn't alright with it, I mean I had to walk home alone and hungry, while you were off being all lovey dovey with some guy" she explained, her voice sounding tense.

"Tommy's not just some guy, he-"

"Oh my god! Will you stop talking about Tommy for just one second?! This isn't about him!" She shrieked, raking her hand through her auburn hair in frustration. Now I was seriously worried.

An unfamiliar lump had appeared in the back of my throat. My best friend was yelling at me, this had never happened before. She was genuinely upset now and I bit my lip in shame.

"I know it isn't-"

"Do you? Cause you seem to be freaking obsessed with him"

"He asked me out, okay?" I blurted before I had time to stop myself. Not that it mattered; I was going to tell her anyway. Her mouth was parted open in surprise when I said this,

"Great... that's just great... Well I guess you don't need me anymore" she remarked sarcastically, throwing her hands up.

"Annie..." I groaned, getting agitated by her stubbornness. Why was she being like this?

"Whatever Poppy... If you wanna choose your new perfect boyfriend over your best friend then be my guest..."

"You know it isn't like that" I quipped back, reaching out and grabbing her shoulder in desperation. I didn't want to lose my best friend. I hadn't meant for this to happen.

"It seems like it to me... I'll... I'll see you at dance..." She said glumly, before stalking off down the now empty corridor, leaving me absolutely dumbfounded.

I didn't know what has just happened or why, but I felt the need to cry. My best friend practically hated me. I hadn't wanted to choose Tommy over her. I hadn't meant it to be that way. Was she over reacting? Or was I really a horrible best friend? Perhaps it was both. Either way I felt positively rotten.

I leant miserably against the lockers and gulped back the unfamiliar lump. I would not cry. I had to be strong like I always was.

I was confident, funny and slightly strange Poppy. At least that's who I thought I was, but now standing alone in an empty school corridor, I wasn't so sure.

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