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Tommy was a dream. An absolute dream. I say this because when I finally arrived at the small, rustic cafe situated on River Lane, he was stood outside, waiting for me, with a large bouquet of crimson roses in his hand. My heart swelled to new levels.

"Hey!" I chirped as I stopped in front of him,

"Hi babe" he responded smoothly, pecking me gently on the cheek, "I got you these..."

His thick rimmed glasses nudged my cheek as he pressed his lips against my cheek, but I didn't care. He then thrust the bouquet into my hands and I inhaled the fresh scent of them.

"Thanks, they're gorgeous..." And it was the truth. I'd never been one for flowers, but because they were from him I adored them. Was that weird?

"Like you then" He responded, smirking cheekily.

I couldn't decide whether that was smooth or just cheesy. I gulped and tried to remain calm. Did he just call me gorgeous? Was this really happening? I think my legs were turning into jelly already.

"I-I feel like I'm in a soppy romantic movie or something..." I joked timidly, following behind Tommy as he led the way into the cafe. He let out a short laugh at this.

"Nope, this is the real deal."

As we found some empty seats located by the back of the cafe, I noticed that my cheeks were starting to ache from grinning so much. This was actually happening.

I had been out with Tommy before, but he had never bought me flowers. I had a feeling this day was going to be extra special for some reason.

"I'll go get the drinks, whatcha want?" Tommy asked,

"Um... a hot chocolate please" I replied, watching as he nodded and turned to queue up at the counter.

I sighed, placing my bouquet of flowers delicately on the table and resting my chin on my hand. I don't think I could like Tommy anymore if I tried. He was simply perfect. I was so infatuated by him.

Although in the back of my head, I could still see the vision of Annie standing all alone in the middle of the street. I felt quite guilty for abandoning her there, but she knows how much I like Tommy, I'm sure she understands really. Or at least she will in time.

"Here you go" Tommy said, sliding my cup of milky, frothy hot chocolate across the table towards me. He slid down in the seat opposite me with his own drink and smiled warmly.

I gawked back, "Thanks, I needed this..."

"Why? What's up?"

"Oh nothing... I'm just so tired after rehearsals" I complained, sagging my shoulder sleepily as I took me first sip of the hot beverage.

"You know I think you overdo it at that place, you should try and take a break sometime..." Tommy frowned, knitting his eyebrows together. He did look genuinely concerned for me why I found adorable in so many ways.

"Nah I'll be fine... It's just a busy time 'cause we've got the dance show coming up, you know? Sam and I have been working so hard..."

"Who's Sam again?" He asked,

"Oh my dance partner, he's great"

"Cool..." Tommy replied, his jaw tensing slightly.

I couldn't tell why this was. I didn't see any reason why he should be so wary of Sam. Perhaps he was jealous? That would be weird. He really needn't be.

"You're still coming right?"


"To the dance show" I willed, praying that he hadn't forgotten that I had invited him. I was slightly nervous about him seeing me dance because he never had before. I had tried to get him to come along to some of the rehearsals, but he never seemed interested. I'm sure it would be fine though.

"I guess..." He shrugged causally, taking a sip of his coffee, "If it will make you happy."

I appreciated that he was willing to come even though I knew he didn't particularly like dancing. He admitted to me not long ago that he found it to be quite boring, but I had chosen to ignore it. So what if he didn't like dancing, that didn't really matter.

"Listen so I was thinking..." Tommy began, changing the subject rather quickly, "How we make this official?"

"Make what official?"

"You and me"

"Y-You mean like... b-boyfriend and girlfriend?" I urged, a little too hopefully. A smile grew wider on my lips. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. I wanted to savor every second of it.

"Yeah, why not? I really like you Poppy, you know that" He explained, reaching over and enveloping my hand with his much larger one. An electric tingle shot down my arm and I shivered.

"I-I really like you too" I choked, somewhat overwhelmed by what was happening.

"Good, so that's settled then" he uttered, squeezing my hand one last time.

My heart thumped rapidly against my ribcage and I could feel my cheeks literally heating up. I wanted to make a joke in order to ease my awkwardness, but I had nothing.

It seemed all of my funniness disappeared when I was with him. I was just too tongue tied and flustered. It was a habit I knew I would have to move away from that now we were officially a couple.

"Wow okay... now I don't know what to say"

"Just relax, it's only me" he chuckled lightly, removing his hand and taking another sip of his coffee.

I knew he was right; I couldn't act like a love-sick school girl anymore. I was sixteen and in my first proper relationship, I had to be more confident.

I was usually confident, when I was with Annie or Sam but with Tommy I just felt more reserved. I suppose it was because I liked him so much, I didn't want him to think I was weird.

Right now, I could do nothing but grin as I gazed at him. Tommy was my boyfriend. I had a boyfriend; I couldn't wait to tell Annie.

"Do you wanna go and hang out by the river or something?" He suggested, out of the blue dragging me from my thoughts.

"Sounds like a good plan" I smirked in return. Tommy nodded and stood up from the table after downing his coffee. I don't understand how anyone can down coffee but this was Tommy and he was seriously cool.

He could probably walk on water too, either way I was about to find out.

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