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Going to dance rehearsals without Annie walking next to me felt extremely strange. I was so used to us chatting and messing about as headed down the busy street together and now that that she wasn't here, I noticed the empty silence.

I even tried to plug my headphones into my ears to help myself forget about the fact my best friend hated me, but it was no use. I simply could not stop thinking about Annie.

Walking into the dance studio was even more unbearable because Annie, being her ever-punctual self, was already there practicing her routine. I gave her a quick glance and an almost ghost of a smile, but simply shook her head and snapped her attention away from me.

It hurt to know I had messed up the best friendship I'd ever had. People would always call Annie and I two peas in a pod, because we were literally always with one another. But that had changed now.

I grumpily slumped off my bag and jacket at the side of the room and shuffled over to where Sam was busy stretching. I loved how dedicated he was to doing well, but he didn't half make me look bad.

"Hi..." I said miserably, waiting for him to stand up. I knew by the look on his face that he had noticed something was wrong. Sam was perceptive like that.

"Hey... what's the matter?" He frowned, dusting his hands off on his legs as he got up off the grimy floor.

"Nothing" I replied, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I didn't want to bother him with my problems. Even though he was my friend, I knew he would get annoyed by me, unlike Annie would have.

"Why does your face look like a slapped arse then?" He joked, raising an eyebrow. This warranted a small smile from me. I loved how Sam used humour to cheer me up, that's something I would do. He was very much like me in that respect.

"Ha ha..." I responded sarcastically, nudging his shoulder.

"No seriously though, what's up?"

"It's just... Annie and I had a fight..."

"What like, a proper bitch slapping fight?" Sam said eagerly, his eyes lighting up. I knew he would've loved that. The image of me and Annie ripping each other's hair out entered my mind and I let out a small giggle.

"No, just like an argument..."

"Oh man, what about?"

"Um well..." I tried to find the words to explain it. I knew deep down that it was my fault and that I was in the wrong, but I didn't want to admit that especially not to Sam. But I don't think I had a choice.

"Alright... it was kind of my fault, I... sort of... ditched her yesterday to hang out with Tommy..."

"Tommy? That nerdy guy?"

"He's not nerdy!"

"He wears glasses though" Sam scoffed, a sense of humour in his voice. I knew he was only playing. I doubt I could ever have a real conversation with Sam without there being some kind of jokes made.

"Anyway... yeah, I didn't mean to ditch her... she said she didn't mind... and besides we hang out all the time, so I didn't think it would be a big deal..."

"But it was?"

"To her, yeah..." I said dismally. I just didn't get it. Why did Annie say it was okay if it wasn't? She was so confusing. Maybe I should be the one to be angry with her.

"Well, have you apologised?" Sam asked thoughtfully, placing a hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Yes! Loads of times!"

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