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"I can't believe she would do that!" I ranted as Sam and I left the dance studio. I made extra sure to give Annie a dirty look as I did so. She deserved it anyway.

"Yeah... it doesn't seem like something she would do..." Sam agreed, shooting me a crooked smile. Of course it was something neither of us had expected her to do, she was my best friend. Now she was just a nasty little back stabber.

"I should go back in there and... and..."

"Calm down Pops... you don't want to add to the drama."

He was right again. I don't think I could bring myself to actually hit Annie anyway. I still cared about her. I was all talk when it came down to it.

"I know..." I sighed, turning the corner of the road. I needed something to distract me and take my mind off Annie. And there was only one person I could think of to really do that.

"I think I'm going to see Tommy again" I blurted out before my mind had time to catch up. Sam screwed his nose up,

"Wasn't he what got you in this mess in the first place?"

"Yeah... but he's kind of... like... my boyfriend now..." I squeaked, giving Sam a shy look. His eyes widened significantly before he regained composure.

"Really? Oh..."

"He asked me yesterday and well... I really like him so I couldn't say no..."

"I guess not" He shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. Sam seemed to close up at that point and was constantly looking into the distance. What was wrong with him? Did he have a problem with me and Tommy dating?

"Yeah, so I better get going" I said, taking my phone out of my mobile in order to call Tommy.

"Hm, you better had... see you later Poppy."

Sam then sulked off in the opposite direction. Had I done it again? Had I really managed to piss off two people just because I wanted to see my own boyfriend? What was the matter with people?

I rolled my eyes and decided not to dwell on it this time. What did they expect? For me to never hang out with Tommy so that I could always be with them? That was just plain selfish of them.

I dialed Tommy's number and held the phone close to my ear as I walked further down the street,

"Hello?" His voice sounded down the line,

"Hey, where are you?"

"Band practice in my garage, come over if you like." I sensed a hint of excitement in his voice which made me ten times happier. He wanted me to be there. He wanted to introduce me to all of his bandmates. I couldn't believe it.


"Babe... this is Jake, Will and Josh" Tommy explained, pointing to each one of his friends in turn. I smiled widely,


I saw two of them raising their eyebrows and smirking to one another. I wasn't sure what for, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

Tommy placed his guitar down at the side of the garage and wrapped his arms around my shoulders protectively,

"You'll never guess what,"

"What?" I asked, glancing around at all of their eager faces.

"We've got a gig at Cece's tomorrow night!"

I gasped a little and clapped my hand over my mouth in surprise. That was the last thing I had expected him to say.

Cece's was a really popular bar in the centre of town. Everyone went there to hang out and check out the new bands. I couldn't believe my boyfriend was going to be in one of them.

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