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I knew that apologising to Annie would be easier said than done. I realised now that she had been angry, not just because I had ditched her that one time, but because I had chosen some guy over our friendship. And everyone knows it's 'chicks before dicks.' I certainly know that now anyway.

There were only six days left until the dance show and I was going to do everything I could to make sure I was a part of it. And that started with getting Annie back on my side.

A significant amount of tension hit me as I stepped into the dance studio. I don't think people were best pleased to see me after my little scene yesterday. I couldn't really blame them, I had messed things up for us all.

Nevertheless I kept my head held high and ignored their stares. There was only one person I was focused on.

She was stood in the corner of the room, chatting quietly to her dance partner Alex. As her head turned, a gentle frown spread over her face. Please let her forgive me. Please.

"Hi..." I mumbled awkwardly, pulling nervously at the bottom of my pink netted skirt.

"Hey..." She responded before giving Alex a look as if to say 'give us some privacy'. He understood instantly and nodded. He was so whipped by her; he'd do anything she said. Kind of like me and Tommy, except Annie wasn't a controlling dick.

"How're you?"

"Alright..." She replied, raising an eyebrow at me. I needed to just come out and say it. It was useless trying to create small talk between us.

"I broke up with Tommy..."

Her eyes widened for a second. She then silently nodded whilst I took a deep breath to carry on.

"Anne, I am so sorry and I truly mean it this time. You're my best friend and I can't believe I chose him over you for a second. That was so crappy of me. I guess I was just blinded by love... well it wasn't even love. I don't know what it was..." I was rambling I knew that. I scratched the back of my neck and took a deep breath.

"But the point is it's over and... I just really want my best friend back... please?"

I batted my eyelashes at her at attempt of making her laugh. It's always what I did best. And to my absolute relief, a small smile grew on her lips.

"Okay fine... I guess I'm not pissed at you anymore... And well... I do kind of miss you... only a little bit of course"

"Of course" I laughed, my grin growing wider. Then I pulled Annie into a tight hug and she did the same. I smelt the familiar smell of vanilla perfume as I hugged her and knew that everything was going to be okay.

I had my best friend back and that's all I could have wished for. I didn't need a relationship, or a prat in glasses to be happy. The person who made me happiest was here all along. Annie released me from the hug and giggled lightly,

"Okay we can stop being soppy now" she joked,

"I agree."

The two of us burst into a fit of laughter which echoed around the studio. A few people looked around, but frankly I didn't care anymore.

"So what's gonna happen with you in the dance show?"

"Oh yeah about that... I was never gonna quit... It was Tommy that sent that text"

"From your phone?" She gasped in surprise, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah... He turned out to be a total twat"

"Tommy the total twat, what a tongue twister" Annie said sarcastically, lightening the mood.

I guess she didn't care about everything that had happened between the two of us over the last few days. I didn't either. It should just be counted as a little blip in our friendship, one that we pulled each other out of.

"I hope Sam will let me be his dance partner again..." I muttered nervously, biting my lip. I glanced around to look for him.

Surprisingly he wasn't practicing with that nameless blonde girl he was yesterday, which was weird. I wonder who she was.

"He changed the routine though... to 'Pas De Deux' steps... It's some French technique I think..."

"Well... I'll learn the new routine then" I said determinedly.

"In six days? I don't think so"

"Wow, way to have confidence in me"

"Sorry" laughed Annie, tucking away a stray strand of auburn hair from her face. I knew I would have to learn the new steps if I wanted to be part of the show. I wasn't going to give up now.

"I'm going to talk to Sam"

"Okay, good luck" Annie smiled, before giving me one more quick hug and making her way over to Alex. I inhaled deeply, puffing out my chest. I had to do this. It was now or never.

"Hey Sam" I sighed timidly.

"Alright Pops? Made things up with Annie then?"

"Yeah, we're good now"

"That's good to hear" he smiled faintly, continuing to stretch. I wasn't sure if Sam was going to mention our routine or where his new dance partner has disappeared to? I guess it was going to have to me to bring it up.

"So I was wondering... now that I'm not quitting... not that I ever was but... I was just wondering... if you would let me... you know, be your partner again?" I sounded so awkward and shy. I suppose I did feel a bit stupid.

"Hm, I don't know... I'll have to think about it..." Sam said, although I detected a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

A smirk then appeared on his face, causing me to do the same. Man, he loved to tease me, but that's what I liked about him.

"So you will let me? Seriously? What about your new partner?"

"Oh Dayna?" He chuckled, "She's my cousin, I just got her to fill in for one day... deep down I knew you hadn't really quit... I know how much dancing means to you... and besides I love to mess with you."

My mouth hung open slightly. Sam was a prat sometimes, but a prat that I had grown to love.

"Oh my god!" I half squealed, smacking him playfully on the arm. His chuckle deepened and I felt my cheeks beginning to ache as I smiled.

Sam was someone I genuinely felt comfortable around and I think that says a lot. I was more myself with him than I ever was with Tommy.

"Now, now you don't want to damage the guns, do you?" He joked, flexing his arms.

"What? You mean your spaghetti arms?" I giggled, dodging out of the way as he went to nudge me in a jokey way.

"Hey you" Sam said, "Right, we're gonna have to work hard if you wanna nail this new routine"

"Why can't we just go back to the old one?" I groaned, pushing out my bottom lip. I knew the old one like the back of my hand; I didn't want to start again.

"Because everyone else has changed around it now..."

"But you said you knew I hadn't really quit... So if you knew that why did you change the routine anyway?"

"Honestly? Steph told me to... she said you deserved it... And everyone else kind of agreed because they thought you'd actually quit..."

"Great" I mumbled, rolling my eyes. So everyone has been against me and convinced Sam to alter our routine? What a bunch of back stabbers.

However I wasn't going to say anything. I was having a fresh start and I didn't knew anymore drama in my life.

"Anyway, we've got six days... So you better get your arse in gear"

"Yes sir!" I saluted as Sam turned to switch the music on. I knew this was going to be a lot of work hard learning a new routine this late on, but it was just something that had be done.

I wasn't going to let it defeat me because if there's one thing I realised through all of this, it's that dancing is my dream. And I was never going to forget it again.

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