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Cece's was already packed by the time I arrived the next day and I suddenly felt very self-conscious. I knew Tommy would be back stage getting set up, but I really wished he had invited to go back there with him.

Right now, I was stuck on my own in a crowd of slightly drunk people. Some older guys kept staring at me oddly, which didn't help with my nerves. I had to urge to shout "I'm only sixteen!" in their faces, but of course I didn't.

I hastily pulled up the top of my black sequined top to stop people from looking. It wasn't as if it was low-cut, but pervy old men would look at anything these days.

Eventually I managed to find a few empty seats, but there were right at the back of the bar. I sighed and plonked myself on a high bar stool. I would have to find a way to see over the crowd when Tommy's band came on.

So that I didn't look too much like a loner, I took my phone out of my pocket. I hadn't received any texts from anyone since yesterday after Tommy had found my phone. I didn't dwell on it too much.

My mum thought I was at rehearsals, Annie was still overly pissed off at me and as for Sam, I think I had annoyed him as well. I dreaded to think what they may be doing right now because I hadn't turned up at dance rehearsals.

They probably hated me even more.
I had to remind myself that this was worth it. I wanted to be the perfect girlfriend to Tommy. I didn't want to miss out on supporting him during the biggest gig he had ever had. What kind of person would that make me?

Just then I was dragged from my thoughts as the lights dimmed and a man rushed out on the small stage positioned in the corner of the bar.

"Alright! Are we ready for some music?!" He yelled a little too excitably. The crowd cheered.

Quickly, I shoved my phone away and carefully lifted myself up so that I was knelt on top of the bar stool. It was a little wobbly but the only way I could get a good view of the stage.

"Okay! Up first, we have a brand new band who I am sure are on their way to stardom. So please welcome to the stage, Blaze City!"

The bar erupted with woops and cheers, whilst I tried to clap and not fall off the stool I was dangerously balanced on.

Tommy, Josh, Will and Jake stepped out on stage, their expressions in awe of the response they were getting. Will sat down at his drum kit, whilst the other three grabbed their guitars.

I could see Tommy surveying the crowd and I assumed he was looking for me. I waved my arms frantically and tried to shout for him, but before I knew it the music began to play and he became focused on his guitar. Oh well, he knew I was here anyway.

The familiar tunes I had listened to last night started to play and everyone bopped their heads along to it. I did my best to dance on the wobbly stool, whilst trying to get Tommy's attention. But it was hopeless.

I watched as Josh sung effortlessly at the front of the stage. He was so talented. I really wished that I could sing. He gripped the microphone and sung into it passionately. I could tell singing meant a lot to him, as well as playing guitar.

That was his passion, just like dancing was mine. Expect I had given up mine to come here.

After a few more songs, their set was over. I was quite disappointed by this, but also glad that I could get off this bar stool and find Tommy.

"Thank you so much! We've been Blaze City!" Josh yelled, before waving to the rowdy crowd and disappearing behind the curtain at the side of the stage.

The crowd clapped for a few moments, before the lights went up so that the next band could get ready.

Swiftly, I jumped off the bar stool and began maneuvering my way through people. The crowd was made up of mostly older guys who stood a few feet above me, or at least that's how it seemed.

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