I will call your mother

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I was there at the concert. my first ever concert suprisingly. I was 21 and I was going to see 5 seconds of summer. I was with my 15 year old cousin Lexine. she was obsessed to put it lightly and my aunt wouldn't take her. So here I was, Surrounded by teenagers and there asshole parents who were slouching in there seats looking pissed off. Anyways, the opening act was hey violet. haven't heard of them. neither had I but I had heard of Cherri bomb, my favourite band years ago, and this was Cherri bomb renamed and Julia was replaced by a guy named chase. they were amazing. I never thought i would get to see them perform and there I was 2 rows back watching them.

I thought I was gonna die. I mean they were amazing. but it was after the concert when the story really starts. I left the concert and went to some English pub down the street and Levine went to her friends hotel . but on our way there I got knocked to the ground and I couldn't get up. my knee was killing me then someone pulled me off the ground. I couldn't see them because it was kind of dark and my vision just kinda sucks to begin with.

"Are you okay" I heard a voice say. it was a familiar voice.
"Uh ya I'm fine" I said as I dusted off my shorts.
"Where are you going"
"I'm going to this pub down the street"
"Really I was looking for somewhere for me and the guys after the concert can we join you"
"Sure what concert were you at"
" 5 seconds of summer" he said sounding kind of confused. He was probably there with his girlfriend or something.

I told the guy the address of the pub and he walked me there. it felt like forever and I was kinda nervous because, well u was letting a total stranger guide me. when we got to the pub a burst of light revealed to me that the guy who walked me here was the bass player in 5 seconds of summer. we took a seat around the corner and we just talked until the rest of the band showed up.
"Calum who's the girl?"
One of the guys said as they sat down. It was Mitchell I think. he had blue and red in his hair and he was probably the most badass of all of them.
"I'm jane, someone knocked me over and Calum walked me here." 
"Kay jane what were you doing today"
"I went to your. Concert with my cousin"
"So are you an obsessed fan"
"No I actually didn't even know you existed until last week when my cousin begged me to come to the concert."
"So do you know our names"
turns out the badass guy is Michael, the drummer is Ashton and the blondie in the middle is Luke.

We sat around drinking until the pub was closed and by that point Michael was drunk, really drunk. he was falling over and slurring and to be honest I had no clue what he was talking about. Luke and Calum left early. Ashton looked at me,
"Can you drive."
"Ya I'm 21"
"No I mean I'm drunk enough that I will crash this car into a tree and I'm not going to drive Michael home in it"
"Are you kidding let's just call luke or calum"
"Why are you chicken"
"No I'm just not an idiot"
"Chicken chicken"
"Give me your phone Ashton I'm calling luke"
"Because I don't want to"
"Ashton do I have to call your mother"
"No no here's my phone"
He must've been really drunk because  first he's at least 20 calling his mother won't do anything and second why would I have his moms number.
He gave me his phone and I called Luke who was at the pub in about 20 minutes.
"These 2 are way drunk luke."
"Ashton only gave me his phone because I said I would call his mom"
"God he really is"
" Do you need a ride"
"No this pub is attached to my hotel"
With that the guys left Michael and Ashton screaming out the window of the car and I went upstairs to my room to sleep. My cousin was back in the room and when I walked in she looked at me.
"Where were you"
"I was at the pub I told you I'd be there"
"Until 1 am"
"Calm down your 15 you don't need a parent with you to sit in a hotel room"
"I didn't know where you were"
"Kay you need to shut the hell up if it weren't for me you wouldn't even have gone to this stupid concert"
"Your drunk aren't you"
"Well I've been drinking since 10 so ya I'm drunk"
"Just go to sleep"
I lied down on my bed but I couldn't sleep I sat there, then the phone rang. I picked it up and it was luke.
"How did you get. The number for my hotel room."
"I called the hotel and asked for Jane and there was only one room under the name jane so"
"Kay what do you need"
"You should come hang out with us tomorrow"
"Ya kinda our way of thanking you for not letting Ash drive home"
"I would but I have to get my cousin home"
"Ya but it was cool hanging out tonight"
"Hey just give me your number and I'll call you sometime"
I gave him my number and hung up. this time I still couldn't sleep so I went and sat on. The balcony.

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