Buttfuck drunk

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As it got later it only got more lame. You would think being on a bus with a band would be fun it really wasn't. I mean we didn't really know each other.
Ashton crashed early I'm pretty sure it was just the hangover though. Mikey and calum were playing cards, it really seems like there good friends. An luke and I were just sitting around talking.
"I don't think they like me"
"Don't worry they'll get used to it"
"Really because it doesn't seem-"
"It's because your a girl"
"Your saying there scared of girls"
"Not scared it's just we know how to make them scream but not how to act around them normally"
I was kinda wierded out but then I ft even more wierded out because then luke hugged me.

I didn't understand it in the least. We were just talking and then bam. Hug. I think he felt weird too because then he proceeded to stand up and walk away.

I think Mikey noticed because almost right away he came per and sat down.
"What was that about with luke"
"I'm really not sure we were talking about how you guys were akward and then he hugged me."
"Luke is the most akward of us all"
"Ya I figured that one out"
And that's when calum yelled out
"Mikey are you coming or did you leave because I'm gonna win"
"Calum you know you were losing"

So Michael invited me to play and let me tell you Michael and calum suck at poker and go fish. I beat them like 5 times in 2 hours.
Then at about 2 in the morning we decided to quit playing and raid the fridge.
I don't know where it came from but there were 24 cupcakes in the fridge with the guys names and faces so I ate two calums and a luke. Before I just about died of sweetness.
So at that point we decided we needed a beer. And then things started going downhill.
In about a half our we were buttfuck drunk.
It was not a pretty sight well I mean I wasn't, Mikey and Calum were still lookin good. So we kept drinking calum of course crashed, but Mikey and I were still going then we sat down and we were just talking. Drunk talking of course. Until the really awkward part happens, we kissed. It didn't last long an we were both really drunk.
"Eh" Mikey exclaimed
To which I slapped him across the face
I am not a bad kisser
"Sorry I'm drunk my slap is always harder when I'm drunk"
"Well sorry, hey haven't you kissed all your best friends."
"Well I have which means now we are best friends"
"Okay cool"
"Alright well as your best friend go to bed"
"You can't boss me around"
"Fine then but because were best friends so you should listen too me"
"You've never had a friend have you"
"That hurt"
I turned my body away from him crossing my arms. Then he started tickling me until I screamed. Then Ashton walked out looked at us and basically screamed
"go the fuck to sleep"

So as he walked back into the room I actually started falling asleep. I woke up with luke and calum standing above me whispering about something I started listening before they noticed I was awake and I heard something about me and Mikey an what did we do last night.then I opened my eyes and realized what they were talking about. I was asleep in a ball on top of Mikey an he was hugging me like a teddy bear.

Then they noticed I was awake. I couldn't break free of Mikey's grip so I kinda just sat there awkwardly as I quietly explained what happened. But when Ashton came out there was no convincing him.

Eventually Mikey woke up and I could actually get up he seemed job of embarrassed when I told him about the night before. It was kinda funny to see his reaction when I told him how we became best friends.

The rest of the guys were even funnier to watch when I told them we drunk kissed and from that point on it was far less weird. But Levine seemed kinda mad that I kissed Mikey.

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