I have an idea

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It felt good but it also felt strange. Kinda forced but again good.

When we walked out of the room people started asking questions. First question of course was Levine. Your dating Ashton because she's a snoop and hates giving me personal space. Then it was followed by a series of what's. But after that luke seemed like he was really holding back from talking to me and it really hurt.

So I sat down next to Ashton and Michael and Michael pretty much looked like yes I was just waiting for this. We put on another movie and I sat really close to Ashton, like as close as Levine sat to luke all the time. Ashton was tweeting and Michael calum luke and I were watching the movie Levine was just watching luke of course.
I looked at luke,
"Hey there's a bee on your shoulder,"
Which I followed up with
"Buzz off" as I made a shooing motion towards Levine. Luke didn't find this funny which was slightly concerning because luke thinks everything is funny.

By the end of the movie Ashton luke an Michael had crashed. So me and calum were just talking.
"So you and Ashton"
"Ya I mean I know we don't know each other too well but I have to get off this bus in a few days so it was now or never"
"I guess I just feel like you both feel weird like you both just kinda sit there"
"It's hard because we dont know each other"
"That's the issue you don't know each other and you both know it"
At that point he decided there was nothing else to say. He walked out and went to sleep but I just sat at the table thinking, mostly about what calum said. He was right and that's what hurt. We both knew how we felt but there was so much more we needed to talk about like what happens when we get to Chicago. Do I get off the bus and never see him again do I come with them. How are we supposed to be together if we aren't together and if we aren't together why am I on the bus. I thought all night which wasn't good.

I was half asleep in the morning light which was seeping through the blinds on the tinted windows on the bus. Then I felt something Ashton walked over and looked at me and he said exactly what I was thinking that it's not working. We talked it over and I we both agreed that it was uncomfortable trying to date someone you don't know. An then we finally agreed we were done, and that would have been the end of it but some weird impulse made me kiss him. And then he kissed me back. Let me tell you this was not a cheap kiss this was nothing like why happened with Mikey. At that moment I knew it couldn't be over it might not be love yet but it was too much for us to end it and with the way he was kissing me I could tell he felt the same. So I pulled away for only a moment I looked at him and said
" it's not over"
To which he nodded and I looked at him and I just hugged him. I really couldn't completely understand what had happened I met him days ago and we immediately liked each other then we dated then we broke up and kissed. It was a lot to take in but I'm pretty sure luke had an even harder time taking it in because I looked at him when I let go of Ashton and he just looked shocked.
"How long have you been standing there"
"You kissed"
"Look I like you and I like Ashton but you don't know him the way I do or at all really so I think you need to stop and think about this"
"What's that supposed to mean luke" Ashton sounded angry.
"I don't want her to get hurt"
"I may not know her luke but it doesn't mean I don't love her"
"Yes it does you don't know anything about her"
"yes I do"
"Really then what's her favourite colour what's her last name what's her favourite food answer one of those and I'll stop"
"I don't know luke but it's none of your business and it's not just me who feels this way"
"Really jane do you love him"
"I really like him I just don't know him"
"So you admit this is a dumb idea"
"I never said that"
"So your just gonna go on pretending you know each other"
"Luke it's now or never I get off this bus in 3 days"
"And you can't call and get together after that"
I didn't know what to say but I knew Ashton and I had to talk so I took him into the room and I looked at him.
"Luke's not wrong"
"I know"
"We need to talk about this"
"We did and you know how it ended"
"Ash I really like you but what happens when I get off this bus"
"I can still call"
"But how do I know, you fell in love with me in a day if I'm not there what will you do"
"I wouldn't"
"But we don't even know each other"
"I have an idea" with that Ashton stood up left the room and started talking to all the guys I didn't know what he was doing but I couldn't wait to find out.

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