Blackest black that ever blacked

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"Get the fuck up" Levine was yelling at me as she stood in the doorway of the balcony.
"Jesus what is wrong with you"
"Some idiot has been knocking on the door for the last ten minutes"
"Why didn't you answer it"
"I didn't want the murderer outside to get me first"
I was going to say something back but I heard a knock at the door so I stood up feeling a sudden rush to my head. I steadied myself and walked over. I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.

"Oh my god you are luke hemmings"
"So I'm guessing this is your cousin" luke said laughing
"Ya it is anyways what do you need"
I could hear Levine freaking out.
" I was just going to offer you and your cousin a ride home."
"We are driving the tour bus through anyways we might aswell drive you, and Levine"
"Okay sure when do you need to leave"
"Actually right now "

We rushed all our stuff together and ran downstairs and got on the bus. Of course we were plagued with all of the fans surrounding the bus. We sat down and I swear Levine almost fainted. The guys all seemed confused that we were here.
Breaking the silence Ashton almost shouted
"Why are you here"
"Luke offered us a ride home"
Too which Michael responded rather loudly
"Luke is in love" which he repeated over and over and over and over.
Until Ashton threw a book at him.

I don't understand really why he didn't just ask but Ashton kinda looked really pissed. Either way i kind of ignored it and then absolutely nothing happened. Ashton just sat around looking angry and doing something on his phone. Luke was reading some book and Calum and Michael were making some sort of video. Levine was just sitting really close to luke and giggling and flipping her hair like a bitch.

"Jane come here" Calum called me to the other side of the bus.
I walked over wondering what they wanted. Turns out they wanted to talk to me for there video. They were actually pretty cool. They asked me a lot of questions though one of which being my favorite colour which they wanted extreme detail for. My answer the blackest black that ever blacked.

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