To hell with rational

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I walked out of the room at about 2pm and immediately luke looked at me and said
"Hey what was that about"
"You and Ashton when he walked out he looked kinda angry"
"Nothing don't worry about it"
Then luke looked angry that I wasn't telling him either way I continued walking and I sat down right between Mikey and Ashton and gave Ashton this look like see it's not weird. But I shouldn't have because then Mikey looked at us and said
"well that must've been some talk you guys had"
I promptly took some popcorn shoes it in my mouth and spit a wet piece at him an laughed. His response of course was to throw popcorn at me so I picked up the bowl and dumped it on his head.

Ashton and I spent the rest of the movie eating popcorn off of Mikey. Mikey didn't eat any though I think he was still mad that I dumped a bowl of popcorn on him and Levine once again sat really close to luke.

Levine had barely spoken this while trip which was good because every time her mouth opened it killed me. She was the most annoying person I knew. And it was really weird how obsessed she was with luke at least she wasn't bothering me Mikey or ash. Calum walked out of the bedroom and looked at us.
"Can I speak to you jane"
"No in here"
"Kay Kay"
I responded dryly as I stood and walked towards the bedroom.

Once we arrived in the bedroom it took him less than a second to start asking me about Ashton. I was so confused how did he know about Ashton. Which is when he decided to let me know I talk in my sleep. And during my nap I just happened to be talking about Ashton and I being madly in love. At this point though I had to explain but I also had to make sure he wouldn't tell anyone. I couldn't believe I had sleep talked about being in love with Ashton I might be in like with him but not love. I barely know the guy though I admit he Is pretty cool and from what I can see he is the kinda guy I would date.

Yet again I walked out of the room and everyone looked so confused. Of course I couldn't tell them what actually happened though so I sat there and continued to eat popcorn off of Mikey while the movie played but at this point I wasn't watching the movie I was thinking about my dream. And it all came back to me.

In my dream we arrived home my whole family expected me to get off the bus but I couldn't do it not because it was better than that hell hole of a town but because Ashton and I were dating like serious dating and so Levine got off the bus and I stayed.

But I mean not all dreams have meaning right. Ashton was cool but I wasn't in love with him he was more of a friend at this point.

"Jane wake up"
I woke up to Levine screaming at me. I opened my eyes and I could see the movie was over Mikey was looking over me scared calum was holding an ice ack and luke and Ashton were in the corner.
"What happened"
"You were sitting there kinda zoned out and you kinda passed out" Mikey said looking concerned.
"Ya ice just got some medical issues"
"Well thanks for telling us"
I could here either luke or Ashton mutter from the corner I really wasn't sure which one.
"It hasn't happened in years I guess I just forgot about my meds this morning"

The rest of the afternoon was really tense Mikey looked like I was gonna fall over pretty much the whole time calum was just sitting reading and ignoring everyone and Ashton and luke still seemed pretty pissed. I don't know what's wrong with luke but Ashton should stop caring so much if he doesn't want anyone to find out.

"Are you guys gonna be mad at me all afternoon because I fainted"
I heard some more muttering and then looked to Mikey and said
"Are they usually like this"
To which he replied
Then I heard one of the guys in the corner mutter some thing about how they never should have let a girl on the bus.
I of course was offended by this and immediately pointed out how stupid that was because I was asked to come and what had I done to anyone.
And that's when Ashton stood up looked at me and said,
"You scared us, okay are you happy"
"No I'm not because I didn't do anything I fainted because of a medical problem and now your acting like I personally insulted you"
"Okay forget it you wouldn't understand"
"Ashton just shut up you know she didn't do anything"Michael chimed in
"Wow isn't that just like Michael to take the pretty girls side"
"So you calling me pretty" I blushed
"No i mean yes, just fuck you jane you already know an i just got scared okay"
"What does she know"luke looked at him confused and kinda angry.
And Ashton stormed off. I followed him though and closed the door to the bedroom.
I looked and he was crying. I sat beside him and looked at him. I sat the same way he had with my legs dancing off the bed and my head hanging low so all I could see was the floor and our feet.
He was the first to speak
"I'm sorry"
"I just don't understand"
"I didn't know what happened and I know I barely know you but I really like you and I was scared I wouldn't see you again"
"Look this is just a bad idea I mean I like you too but we don't know each other we don't know what were getting into. It's not smart"
"I know but it doesn't change it and now thy all know something's going on"
"I thought you guys were close how come you haven't told them"
"They wouldn't understand it. I don't even understand it"
"Ashton we can't do this we don't know each other and in a few days I'm getting off this bus and we won't see each other again"
"Why though"
"Because it's home and you guys have a tour to finish"
"I've just never felt like this"
"Neither have I but that doesn't mean it's forever"
"I just don't want to live life wishing I knew what it was like"
"I'm gonna make you an offer"
"We can try, dating," I said kind of awkwardly "but if It doesn't work
out we are still friends okay"
Then he hugged me I just looked at him and I thought to my self to hell with rational, if I got off this bus without knowing if probably have to kill myself.

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