He ended the call

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It had been about a week since I got off the bus and I was honestly so sad that I did. I missed all the guys and to be honest I was kind of worried about what would happen to Mikey when Ashton found out what happened but I was sure it would be fine. It was impossible not to think about the guys already with all that happened and it was even harder with Levine constantly bringing up how much she hated me for making her leave. I had been texting Calum on occasion to make sure everything was going well, but other than that I hadn't talked to any of the guys. even Mikey who I really wish I could've even just as a friend, but I didn't want Ashton to see and freak out.

Suddenly without even a knock Levine rushed into my room.
"You ruin everything" she spat at me.
I was incredibly confused and Levine could clearly tell because she then shoved a teen magazine in my face.
"You see that Ashton heartbroken over mystery girl, says he might LEAVE BAND"
I looked at her and told her that first of all I had been talking to calum and he said everything was fine and that it's a gossip magazine and it's pretty much made of lies. Then I made her leave my room and though she was reluctant I eventually got her out. Then I texted calum.

Hey just letting you know some magazine thinks Ashton's quitting the band

Surprisingly I got no response but in a few minutes my phone started ringing.

"Hey calum"
"Hey Jane"
"What's up"
"About that magazine, it's not all true"
"What do you mean"
"Umm it's actually a little bit worse than that"
"What do you mean"
"Ashton thinks he figured out why you left and he quit but umm"
"What calum"
I could feel his nervousness through the phone
"Without a drummer we can't finish the tour and the record company might drop us"
"Are you kidding"
"And I ruined your band"
"Do not blame yourself"
"Calum this is my fault"
"No it's not" he ended the call.

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