Off the bus

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So I got off the bus when none of the guys were around with Levine and I got us a flight home. I couldn't do it. I felt so confused and almost like I was going to ruin the guys.  Levine argued a lot and she didn't seem very okay with going but I didn't really give her a choice it wouldn't be a long flight home but I knew it would feel like one.
When we were on the plane I texted calum. I told him we were going home and to let the guys know. Moments later I received this text from calum
I honestly don't know what's happening but Mikey just left the hotel room and Aston looks like he's gonna break something. And Luke looks annoyed, did you talk to him he really needed to tell you something.

I texted him and told him I didn't and that I'm really sorry but I had to go and that I'd be home soon so it was to late to bother trying anything.  Calum said he would sort things out and I feel asleep only waking up on arrival.
Me and Levine walked to my house because we lived really close to the airport. She seemed crushed that we left still but while she whined I drove to Kari's house. I told her all about the ride and everything with Ashton and Mikey and by the end of it, I was almost sad we left after all the great times we had. Then kari broke the silence
"Your phones ringing"
I picked up and it was Mikey
"Hi" I barely managed to squeak at my phone
"Hey Jane"
"So umm I'm sorry I left without telling you guys"
"I don't blame you Jane I think I kinda fucked things up when I said that to you I'm sorry I ruined things with you and Ashton"
"No you and Luke were right about that, me and Ashton were just never going to work."
"Okay well just I hope things are going well at home say hi to kari for me," he laughed. "Anyways I hope we can keep in touch"
"Ya of course"
"Well bye"
"Bye Mikey" and with that I ended the call. I looked at kari
"Mikey says hi"
She laughed and then looked really seriously at me.
"You know you like him"
"Ya I know but I can't fuck up there band"
"He likes you too and you know it"
"Ya but I can't do that to the band"
"You need to tell him"
"No I can't do that to them"
"Fine then I will" she said snatching my phone and texting him with lightening speed. If I'm being honest I didn't really try to stop her. I wanted to tell him o just didn't want to be responsible for fucking up the band. Within seconds it seemed he had responded with a simple smiley face and I knew I had to call him.

I could already tell this would go better than any conversations id had with Ashton.
It was a simple conversation but a happy one until we realized he was on the road and I was in another town. Then he said that the band could come stay in Canada for a while which was crazy even without considering how reluctant Ashton would be. Then he said maybe I could come back on tour with them. Which again Ashton would be very reluctant to I didn't know what to do so I decided that maybe we would just have to be friends until the tour was over and we could figure something out.

The long way home a 5sos fan ficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن