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I have been waiting this phone call for days now. I am nervous just thinking about it. A few weeks ago I auditioned for the movie Jurassic World, and I have been patiently been awaiting their phone call. All I ever wanted to do was act so when my mom landed me this audition I worked so hard to make it perfect. All I did was go to school, come home, do my homework, and then I would sit and just stare at my phone. I am eighteen and I am a senior so you would expect me to be going to some big ass parties in my last months of high school. My mom told me if I landed this job then I could take a year off before college and go on auditions and stuff. 

Another hour passes so I decide to turn on some TV and watch some Gossip Girl. My phone lights up with a random number calling. 


"Hi is this Cara Jones?" 

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"Hi, its Colin Trevorrow and I just wanted to call and say we are super excited to welcome you to Jurassic World! We're going to need you to fly out next week to Kauai to begin production. Don't worry we have your airfare and hotel reservations covered for you. I will send you all this information along with your boarding pass in a very detailed email. I look forward to working with you. Feel free to text or call me with any questions."

"Oh my god! Thank you so much! I'll will see you soon!" 

I hang up the phone and I can feel my whole body shaking with excitement. I get up of the couch and I jump around a bit on the ground. I hear the door open and I hear my mom shout my name.

"Cara! Come help with groceries!"

I run out and I give her a huge hug and kiss on the cheek.

"No can do mommy dearest, I have to pack for Hawaii."

"Hawaii? Really? Since when do you think you are going to Hawaii young lady?"

"Since about 5 minutes ago when the director of Jurassic World called and told me personally that I will be in his movie!!" 

My mom dropped the groceries and was now hopping around the kitchen in excitement along with me. 

"Oh my goodness this is so exciting!! I am going to call your father! We need to go out and celebrate big time!!" 


Later that night my dad came home from work. My dad is a surgeon so he doesn't get home sometimes till super late. I greet him with a big hug.

"Hey DAD HEY DAD HEY DAD HEY DAD! Guess who just landed a part in Jurassic World? ME thats who!"

"Yay honey! I knew you would get it!"

He gives me a giant squeeze and a kiss on the head.

My mom and dad take me out to dinner to my favorite restaurant. We get home and I run upstairs to start planning and picking out outfits for the trip. I have an abundance of clothes, but yet I feel as though I have nothing to wear. This is going to be a long trip. I open my laptop and I look at the email Colin had sent to me. Damn he is right. This is a terribly, long, and detailed email. In the email it mentions where we're staying, the schedule, and who else is in the cast. I know some of the names immediately. Chris Pratt, more like the sexiest man ever existed. Bryce Dallas Howard, I've seen some of her movies, she was really good in The Help and in Spiderman so I am excited to work with her. Ty Simpkins..don't really know him that well, and I don't really know who Nick Robinson is. I google search their names in the google bar. Ty is like 12 and has been in those creepy Insidious movies. He's a cute little kid. Next I google search 'Nick Robinson' and up comes pictures of this guy who looks my age. He's pretty hot. He's in that Melissa and Joey show on ABC Family. I turn on Netflix and I play a couple episodes of the later seasons. Damn he really is pretty cute and funny. After I finish watching a couple episodes I fall asleep.

................... .

*One Week Later*

"Cara, are you ready??" I hear my mom shout from downstairs. I pull on some leggings and a baggy tshirt, I lace up my white converse and I pull my blonde hair into a messy bun. I swipe on some mascara to bring out my blue eyes and I grab my bags and I make my way downstairs. We throw all my stuff into the back seat of the car. 

The drive to the airport was short. I get out of the car and I give my mom and dad big hugs goodbye. My mom gave me the whole 'be safe and don't do stupid stuff' speech. They give me one last hug and I head inside to the airport and I get on the plane


I step outside and the nice Hawaiian air feels good on my skin. I have my bags and then I grab a cab to take to the hotel. Its about noon when I get to the hotel. I check into my room and I unpack my bags. I am pretty tired from all the traveling so I decide to take a nap. A couple hours later I am awoken by the sound of my phone going off. Its a text from the director telling me about a meet and greet dinner with the rest of the cast. Its 4 o'clock and the dinner starts at 6. I decide its time to stop lounging and take a shower. I rinse my body and get out of the shower. I do my hair in a half up half down style. I do light natural make up and then I change into a black lace flowy dress. I put on a pair of tan sandals and grab a small black leather purse for my keys and wallet. I look at the time and its about time to leave.

I walk out of my room and as I head for the elevator, a tall boy runs into me. He knocks me to the ground. 

"Oh god. I'm so sorry, here let me help you." He grabs my hands and helps me up of the ground.

"You okay?" I nod looking into his deep dark brown eyes. He is really tall and has dark brown hair. He's wearing a blue button down shirt and has brown pants on. He is gorgeous. I feel like I have seen him before, but I don't know where from. 

"Are you headed towards the elevator too?" he asks snapping me out of daze.

"Uhh yeah I am."

"Good. I'll walk with you there."

I smile at him. I'm so flipping awkward. I'm nervous enough as it is going to this dinner, but now I encounter a ridiculously HOT boy that is staying in the room next to me great.

"My names Nick by the way. Nick Robinson." Where have I heard that name before? Oh shit. It hits me. This is the boy I will be spending the next 2 months with. This is the boy I was binge watching his TV show of last night. This is my costar that I thought was insanely attractive.

"Your Nick Robinson?"

"Uh yeah. Are you going to tell me your name yet?"

"Oh I'm Cara. I think we're starring in Jurassic World together."

"Oh really? I saw your name on the list but I wasn't exactly sure who you were."

"Yeah this is kind of my first like 'film' thing I guess. I've seen some of your show, and your really funny on it."

"Ha ha thanks. Yeah I haven't done anything this big before so I am little nervous, but I am excited."

The elevator door opens and he motions for me to enter and I do and he enters after me.

"So I assume you are on your way to the dinner right now, aren't you?"

"Yes I am. I assume that's where you are going as well?"

"You wanna ride together? I have a rental car."

"i would love to."

The elevator opens up on to the lobby and I follow Nick out to his car. Its a blue jeep wrangler. I love jeeps. Jeeps are my favorite car even though I have never even ridden in one before. 

"No way!! You have a jeep as your rental car! I have always wanted to ride in one."

"Well today is your lucky day!"

He smirks and opens the door to car for me. I smile and say thank you. The drive to the restaurant is awkward and silent but eventually we find things to talk about. When we get to the restaurant he opens the car door for me again. I clench my fist together. I'm so nervous about meeting everyone.

"You nervous?" 

"Can you tell?" I blush. He grabs my hand.

"Don't be. You look beautiful."

meant. II n.r.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang