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Its been about 4 hours since I returned from the pool with Nick. I've done nothing besides take a shower, nap, and look at the script. Its now 7 at night and I'm hungry. I'm assuming that there's no cast dinner tonight considering Colin hasn't texted our chat about one. I throw on my shoes and walk out of my room and I knock on Nick's door. He opens the door and is in sweats and a maroon teeshirt. 

"I told you I was gonna text you when we were  going to go night surfing."

"I know, but I got hungry."

"Your always hungry."

"Yeah, I am lets go get some food."

"Hey throw on your bathing suit first. I'll go grab my trunks."

I roll my eyes and go put on my bathing suit with some shorts and a white tshirt. I come back out before him so I stand and wait for him. He walks back out holding beach towels for us.

"You ready?"

I nod and we head down to the lobby. We hop in his jeep and we decide to just pick up some food at the grocery store.


He grabs a shopping cart and I hop inside of it. Nick pushes me around in it and runs up and down the aisles until a grocery store clerk tells me that I need to get out.

"Well that was fun."

"You should push me around now."

"After we just got yelled out by that guy, um yeah no thanks. Besides I think you might be too big for me to push around."

"You weren't exactly light as a feather, Cara."

"Heyyyyyy, I try working out okay its just not my thing. Besides why go running when you can sit around and pour chocolate chips in your mouth?"

"I completely agree. Anyways we're going to need a cooler and some ice, so I'll grab that, and you go grab whatever food looks good that we don't have to worry about making."

I give him the 'roger-that' sign and then I go up and down the aisle looking for something good on the go. I grab some watermelon and fruit slices, fried chicken, some macaroni and cheese on the go, and some chocolate chip cookies. I grab some water bottles and then I grab some diet cokes. I run my items back and forth to Nick. 

We then head out to the front so we can check out. I'm standing with my hands on the cart, while Nick is running his fingers through my hair. 

"Gum?" He holds out a piece offering it to me and I open my mouth wide for him to stick it in. The lady behind us stares at Nick and I's playful little banter. 

"You guys are so cute." the lady says to us. 

"Oh no were just---" but before I say the word friends Nick grabs my hand and smirks at me and then turns to face the lady.

"Why thank you ma'am." 

"How long have you guys been together?"

"5 years. See I got her pregnant in the first year we we're dating so we kind of had to move fast." My mouth opens wide and so does the lady's. I punch him in the gut and then pay for our groceries and leave.

"Nick! Why would you traumatize that poor lady! She was just being nice!"

"I know but its fun to joke with people. Besides its not like we're ever going to date each other."

My heart kind of sinks when he says that. I haven't really figured out whether I like like Nick or not. I think it would just be safe if we stayed friends.


Nick grabs the cooler and the towels while I carry the food. We make our way down to the beach. He plops all the stuff down and we spread out the towels together on the ground. 

"I have to go grab something real quick so just wait here." 

I sit on the towels and open up a diet coke to sip on. After about 10 minutes of waiting for Nick I hear him struggling. He's trying to carry two surf boards down the beach. I get up to rush over to help him.

"Oh my god Nick, why didn't you ask me for help?"

"It's fine. I got it."

"Give me that."

I take one of the surfboards from him and drag it close to where we are sitting. He plops down on the sand and I plop down next to him. 

"Pass me a beer."

"I'll pass you a coke."

"Whatever just pass me something cold to drink. Believe it or not that was exhausting."

"Oh I believe you. I can barely carry that thing 5 feet without struggling for breath."

He laughs. 

"Yo Cara, pass me a nugget of fried chicken please."

"What am I? Your slave?" 

"Yeah you pretty much are."

I pop a nugget of chicken in his mouth and he chews it obnoxiously loud. I take out the watermelon and I eat a slice and the juice from the watermelon comes running down my face. I wipe off the watermelon juice and I get up and wipe off the juice on Nick. He grabs my hands and pulls me on the ground and starts tickling me, and I start laughing hysterically. 

"Nick quit it!! Your harassing me!"

"Okay I'll stop."

I roll off of him and I chew on a chocolate chip cookie and I feed one to Nick. 

"I like your laugh."

"You mean my cackle?"

"Laugh, cackle, giggle, whatever you want to call it I like it." he makes me blush.

"So shall we go take these boards down to the water?"

"Hell yeah man. Here I got us glow sticks to wear around our necks."

"Oh you really know how to plan out an evening don't ya?"

"I have my perks."

We sit out on the water for a couple of minutes in silence and just lay on the boards. 

Our boards lie side by side then Nick starts to play the question game with me.

"So, um, Cara, did you know our characters our romantic with each other?"

"Um I didn't get to that part in the script. How romatical to we get?"

"I think we get to kiss."


"Lucky you."

"I'll be the judge of that." 

He splashes water at me and then we just lay and float over the waves for what seems like forever. 

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