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The dinner so far is going a lot better than I expected. Everyone is super nice. I sit between Nick and Ty at one end of the table and the adults sit at the other end. The adults engage in adult conversation for awhile. 

"So Ty, how old are you?" I ask him trying to break the silence between Nick, him, and I. 

"I'm twelve. What about you?" 

"I'm 18."

"Ah so Nick's rollin with a younger lady." Nick rolls his eyes and I chuckle.

"I guess I'm rollin with a younger boy since I'm hanging with you."

"So who are you playing Cara?"

"Um Kate Grady. She's Owen's niece or something like that. You guys are playing brother's right?"

Nick nods and Ty shakes his head excitedly.

"That should be fun." I say taking another bite of my food.

We continue small chat with everyone at the table and they bring out dessert, my favorite part of the meal. Everyone got different desserts. I see out of the corner of my eye Nick's fork in my chocolate cake.

"Woah there tiger! What do you think you are doing?" I jokingly scream at him.

"Oh come on! Just a bite!" 

"As long as I can have a bite of yours!" Suddenly we were in a playful fork fight. In the middle of Nick and I's playful banter, Ty began to steal some of my cake as well.

"TY!! I thought you were a good little kid!"

"I'm sorry Cara! I'm just so hungry!"

we all laugh uncontrollably

Our director, Colin, breaks our laughter and speaks up. 

"Alright guys. This is has been a lovely evening, but I think we all have had long days and we should all rest up before we fight some dinosaurs. Your scripts will be delivered to you sometime tomorrow and hopefully we will start filming within the next week. Until then, enjoy Hawaii and bond with each other!!" 

We all say goodbye and Nick offers to take both Ty and I back to the hotel.


Its about 9 when we get back to the hotel. We all pile on to the elevator together and talk amongst ourselves. I press the button for my floor and Ty beams as he see he's on the same floor as both Nick and I. Once the elevator door open Ty hops out and runs to where his room is. 

"Where are your guys' rooms at?"

"Actually Ty I am right across from you."

"And I am right next to Cara, so it looks like I am also right across from you."

Ty shrieks, "AHHH Guys! We're going to have so much fun together!" He pulls us in for a big group hug.

"Alright I am tired so I'm going to bed now. Can we all go get breakfast tomorrow?"

Nick and I both agree to it.

"Alright goodnight!" Ty runs into his room and it leaves Nick and I alone.

"Cute kid." I say.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded at him.

"We should probably swap numbers cause we're going to be friends now."

"Yeah I guess that would be a good thing to do."

I hand him my phone to enter his number into and he hands me his phone. Once I'm done plugging my number in I notice Nick taking a selfie on my phone. I giggle.

"Uhm whatya doin there Nicky?"

"Taking a picture of me that you can have forever."

"Oh good thinking." 

I take his phone and I start to take selfies. Once he notices that I start taking pictures too he stops and tries to take his phone back from me. I try to keep it from him but he starts tickling me and eventually I let go. He hands me my phone back.

"Okay so I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast. I'll text you Ty's number."

"Okay. Goodnight Nick."

"Goodnight Cara."


Its now 11:30 and I am in my bed dressed in my comfy Nike sweats and a baggy black shirt. I am watching a Keeping Up with the Kardashians marathon on E!. My phone beeps and its a text from Nick.

n-you awake?


n-what are you doing right now?

c-watching the keeping up with the kardashians marathon 

n-that sounds terrible

c-its a quality show teaches valuable lessons.

n-you should come over

c-its literally 11:30

n-i know, but i was on the balcony and i think i spotted something cool. go out on your balcony and lets chat through the wall.

c-can't we chat through our cellular device so I don't have to get out of this bed??

n-pleaseeeeeee :((((((((

I get up out of my cozy position on the bed and I go out onto my balcony. I didn't notice that this room has the perfect view of the beach, but it doesn't have great privacy cause there is nothing but a sheet of glass separating my balcony and the balconies of the people beside me. I see Nick's figure through the window. I tap tightly on it. 

"Cara! I knew my plead would guilt you into joining me out here tonight."

"What is this cool thing that you spotted?" 

"the moon."

"The moon? You spotted the moon? The moon that is in the sky every single night. You guilted me to come out here and look at the moon. You interrupted my kardashian marathon!"

"I'm sorry I thought the moon looked dope!"

"i guess it does look pretty cool tonight."

There was silence between us two. It was nice. All I could hear was the crashing waves against the sand. It was calming.

"Okay Mr. Robinson, I'm going to go to sleep now. Thanks for sharing the moon with me."

"Goodnight Cara, I took great pleasure in looking at the moon with you."

I smiled at his comment even though he couldn't see it and I went back to my room and I drifted to sleep. 

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