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The light from the hotel window shines brightly through the cracks of the curtain. I open my eyes to notice that Nick didn't leave my side all night. He must've fallen asleep here last night, because he is still dressed in his dress pants and button down from last nights premiere. 

I could watch him sleep all day. His hair is all disheveled and his lips are slightly parted. I watch as he inhales and exhales deeply causing his stomach to move up and down.

I place my delicate maroon painted fingers on his chest and I trace my name. 

My fingers are stopped when the clash of Nick's warm fingers meet mine. My blue eyes meet his brown eyes and I just want to stare in his eyes forever. I could lose track of time by just looking in his eyes. 

"You have really pretty eyes, Nicholas."

"Funny cause I was just thinking the same thing about you."

"I really just love your eyes. It gives color everywhere around me and when you look at me my world suddenly stops."

"Very poetic of you babe."

"Its what you do to me Nicholas."

"Quit calling me Nicholas!" he says chuckling.

"What? You don't like being called Nicholas?" I say teasing him.

"The only person who calls me Nicholas is my mother and thats only if I am in trouble!"

"I'm going to call you Nicholas until the day I die."

He rolls over on top of me and pins me down.

"Call me Nicholas one more time....I dare you."

"What's going to happen if I do? Are you going to murder me........Nicholas?" 

"I told you not to do it Cara! Now I am going to have to punish you!" He says lifting up his hands and then bringing them down to tickle my whole body. 

I laugh hysterically and I try to wiggle myself out from underneath his body, but he is too strong and he continues to pin me down and tickle me vigorously.

"Nick stop!! Please!" I say laughing with tears streaming down my face.

"Only if you stop calling me Nicholas!" 

"Fine you have a deal!" I say giving in. 

He stops tickling me and he leans in for a kiss. He pulls away, but I grab his cheeks and I pull him in to kiss me even deeper. 

He hops of me leaving me breathless. He goes to grab his jacket and his tie that are lying in the chair next to the bed.

"Are you leaving?"

"Don't worry I'll come back." He says coming over to me kissing me on the forehead. I grab his hands trying to keep him from walking away.

"Don't leave me Nicky." I say pouting at him with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm going to take you out to dinner tonight. Just you and me. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Be ready by 7 okay?"


He gives me one last kiss and then he is out the door leaving me smiling like a fool on my bed. 



I look in the mirror at my simple self and I try my hardest to make my makeup and hair look as good as possible. I stare at my body clothed in a baby blue dress. I put on white converse just to keep it somewhat casual. I don't know where Nick is taking me. I don't know if this place is fancy or its just casual. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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