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Cara's P.O.V.

Its been about two days after Nick and I kissed and shot the kissing scene, and we got into a heated convo. Now things appear to have gone back to normal between Nick and I. I still think constantly about our kiss. I wish I didn't have these feelings for Nick. I wish we could just be normal friends. Even though things appear to be back to normal I can still feel the tension between we us. There's only a couple days left before we leave to go home, and I won't see Nick again for a long time. Maybe I should just tell him how I feel. No. I just need to let it go. I need to forget about whatever feelings I have for him. 

After filming I just went back to my room and lounged around and took a shower. I just sat on the porch in the hammock for a long time and thought about Nick and I for awhile. After the thinking and overthinking I heard a loud knock on my door. I get up to go answer it. I am still in my robe and my hair is all damp. I open the door to see Nick. I was hoping I was just going to be alone with my thoughts and my reality TV series tonight, but nope! Beautiful Nick Robinson has to come and stand in my doorway and look absolutely perfect. 

"Oh hey Nick." 

"Wow, you don't sound to happy to see me."

"What? Of course I am happy to see you. I just wished you gave me a heads up so I wouldn't be dressed in a robe with my hair all damp."

"Don't forget about the mascara under your eyes making you look like a raccoon." he chuckles.

I give him a frowny face and fake cry.

"A  very cute raccoon is what I meant to say." 

"Okay that might be pushing it. Anyways do you want to come in?" 

Nick comes in and jumps and sits on the bed. 

"Well, I promised I was going to take you to see that fault in our stars movie tonight. I'm not big on breaking promises and I don't intend on starting now, so get dressed and grab your tissues cause I bought us two tickets to the 8 o'clock showing."

"Alright mister, you wait here and I'll go get dressed. You wait here."

Nick's P.O.V.

I'm so in love with her even though I know I can't be. She makes me so happy inside and she makes me want to be a better person. I get up and walk around her room. Her room is a mess. Her phone is lying on her bed and I am tempted to go look, but I know I should respect her privacy. I wander around the room and I notice her changing in the bathroom. She's in black lace underwear and bra and she applies make up even though she clearly doesn't need anything. She puts on a pair of shorts and a baggy tshirt. I think she catches me staring at her so I try and quickly look like I am doing something besides gawking at her. She comes out of the bathroom and slips on her flip flops.

"You ready to have your heart ripped out of your chest?"

"Its not something I usually look forward to, but yes I am more than ready."


Cara and I stand in line to get snacks at the theatre. 

After about 5 minutes of waiting we reach the front of the line and I order popcorn and she gets a pack of twizzlers and I she gets us a large diet coke to split. 

"Can you grab us some straws."

"Who needs straws when you have twizzlers!" She unwraps her twizzlers and puts two of them in the diet coke creating a straw like creation. 

"see I am a genius!"

We go into the theatre and we are surrounded by sobbing girls and some couples, but we manage to find a cozy spot in the corner of the theatre that is away from everyone else. 

"Oh I forgot I brought a gift for you."

"You brought me a gift?"

I pull out a packet of tissues and handed it to her. She giggled.

"Just the exact thing I needed! Its like you read my mind!"

The movie begins and I can feel that Cara is emotionally unstable for this. She told me over and over again how much this book meant to her and now she saw it all coming to life in front of her. I honestly payed more attention to her than I did to the movie screen. I watched as tears would gloss up in her eyes and how she would try to hide the fact she was crying by turning her face and wiping it off with a tissue. I grab her hand and she grips it tight when it comes to the more emotional parts. By the end of the movie she's completely in tears and I think some of her tears rubbed off on my shoulder. When the movie is over she stands up and tries to pull herself together.

"So, um, did you enjoy it?"

"It was so fucking good, my heart is literally shattered into a million pieces, please just don't look at me." I laugh. She's so cute. 

"If you dare break a girls heart like John Green did with creating that book I will personally rip you to shreds."

"I'll keep that in mind. So did you think that one guy was pretty cute. You seemed to really enjoy his presence on the screen."

"Um I have been in love with Ansel Elgort since last year.It is my plan to marry that man." 

I know she's kidding, but I still feel extremely jealous.

"I'm just kidding. Listen, Nick, thank you for taking me to see it. I had a great time even though I am emotionally wrecked inside."

We stand in the middle of the parking lot and she gives me a big hug. The hug is one of those nice long ones. I am just holding her in my arms and she is short enough that I rest the side of my face on top of her head. Her arms are gripped tightly around me, and I so desperately wish I could just tell her how much I like her and how much I want to be with her, and how I am pretty 100 percent sure that I am completely in love with her. 

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