Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


            Pursing my lips, I casually flipped through the clothing racks as Sarah and Alice gossiped about who knows what. I loved my friends and all but sometimes they really were annoying. I was so lost in my own world that when Alice shrieked a little and grabbed my arm, it surprised me and I almost slammed her to the ground. “What the hell Alice?” I growled, holding onto her tightly.

            “Look!” She grinned as she giggled like a madwoman. The sad thing was Sarah wasn’t much different as she stared at something outside of the store. Rolling my eyes, I looked to see what they were staring at and found my eyes locking with Thomas Martinez. “That man is so freaking sexy Nat.” She licked her lips and I raised an eyebrow at her.

            “What would Dean say if he heard you say that Alice?” I questioned and she shrugged.

            “He heard me say it yesterday and it’s not like I’m lying. I’m just stating facts, babe.” She said, grinning slyly as I shook my head at her.

            “Nat, he’s coming over!” Sarah whispered, looking at me wide-eyed.

            “Great.” I muttered and backed away from them. “I’m gonna go pay for my stuff and then we can go, okay? I’m starving and I want lunch. Alice, don’t you even think of inviting him or his friends.” I hissed at her before turning on my heel and going to the cashier.

            Just as I finished paying, I heard a deep, sexy voice call out my name. Turning, my eyes met with icy blue ones that stared intently down at me. “I was hoping I would see you again Natalie.” He murmured, invading my personal space.

            “Shame, I didn’t share those feelings.” I stated dryly and gave him a little push back, my hand igniting in tingles from where I touched him. I frowned and shook my hand before glaring at him. “Look, I don’t like you so leave me alone. Alice told me she gave you my number but I don’t want to talk to you so delete it. I don’t want you in my life so stay out of it.”

            “We can’t just be friends? Acquaintances, at least…?” He asked, looking like a broken puppy.

            “Thomas, my boyfriend hates you to put it simply. He hates you and doesn’t want you anywhere near me so for the sake of everyone, you should stay away from me. I know your type Thomas and I don’t care for guys like you. I’m in love with Gabe and I’m going to be with him forever, he is the one who has my heart and no one will sway me. I want to make that perfectly clear so you can just give up now. I’m not easy and I don’t cheat so just give up now.”

            “I can’t.” He murmured, looking pained and for some strange reason my heart ached for him.

            "Thomas-" The ringing of my cell phone cut me off and I rolled my eyes, taking it out of my purse before turning away from Thomas. “Hello?”

            “The beds cold without you…” Gabe said and I could hear the pout in his voice, making me smile.

            “Awe love, I’m sure you can last until after the girls and I have lunch.”

            “How about I take you out to lunch instead? No, better idea! I’ll give you lunch in bed!” He declared and I chuckled, my smile growing.

            “Somehow I don’t think we’ll be having food then.” I murmured and he growled sexily, making me shiver.

            “Come home Tal.”

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