Chapter Six

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Chapter Six     





            My throat was killing me… It felt so dry and it burned. I was so thirsty and that thirst is what made me wake up. Groaning, I sat up and the world around me seemed so much brighter… livelier. It looked extraordinary and I felt a smile play along my lips as I looked around me before looking down at Gabe. He looked even more beautiful than before if that could be true.

            Gently, I ran my finger down his cheek and felt how soft, how smooth his skin was. It was completely flawless. He was so perfect…

            “You’re finally awake.” He murmured as he blinked his eyes open, his beautiful eyes looking so much brighter and even more insanely gorgeous than before.

            “I’m thirsty.” I managed to whisper, my voice soft and… musical. It didn’t sound anything like me but then it did. It was weird and I watched as Gabe chuckled softly before kissing my nose.

            “You’re adorable.” He grinned and the brilliance of it caught me off guard, making me just stare awe-struck like at him. “Come here my little vampire.” He cooed and opened his arms to me. I quickly slid onto him, nuzzling his neck. “Go ahead and drink from me.” I knew what to do, it was instinct and my fangs shot out, sinking into his flesh. Sweet delicious blood filled my mouth and I drank greedily from him until he forced me to stop. “That’s enough.” He managed to get out before pushing me off of him, breathing deeply.

            “I’m sorry!” I managed to say as I covered my mouth with my hands. “I took too much, didn’t I?”

            “Just a little bit…” He murmured. “I’ll be fine Tal, don’t worry.”

            “Are you sure? Do you need to drink off me?”

            “No, you need all the blood right now seeing as you’re a newly changed.”

            “But you’re not looking so good Gabe…” I mumbled, as I worriedly looked him over. “You’re a bit too pale…”

            “I just need to feed soon.” He said, brushing me off as he got out of bed. “For the first few weeks, you will only be able to feed off of me until you can learn how to control yourself. I know you don’t want to kill anyone so once I teach you when enough is enough then you will be able to feed off others, alright?” I nodded in acknowledgement before watching him leave the room. I frowned at the loss of him and stood up, following him into the bathroom.

            It was weird but I just didn’t want to be away from him. Usually I liked my space but at the moment, I just didn’t want to be without Gabe. Maybe it had something to deal with the sire bond and if it was, I’m sure I’d be pissed at Gabriel later for not telling me about it but for now, I didn’t mind.

            “Hey Gabe…”

            “Yes kitten?” He asked as he got into the shower.

            “Why are you getting ready to leave so soon?” I pouted and he chuckled.

            “Because I need some blood so I need to go out. Don’t worry Tal, I won’t be gone long.”

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