Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


            “Gabe?” A soft, sweet voice murmured in confusion. Groggily, I blinked my eyes open to find Tal at the doorway. It would seem that I fell asleep in my study last night. “Why are you sleeping in here? When did you get home? Why didn’t you come to bed with me?” She fired question after question and all I could was blink at her as I became aware of everything.

            “Why was Thomas Martinez in my house last night?” I asked as I focused my gaze solely on her. I watched as she stiffened and her delicate hand clutched the doorknob, her dark eyes that I always found mesmerizing where now downcast.

            “He came over last night to see me. I guess to check on me and see how I was…” She replied her voice still coming out in that soft sweet lilt.

            “That doesn’t answer why he was in my house, now does it?” I questioned her with a hard voice that made her flinch. It would seem that becoming a vampire has really screwed up with her emotions since any other time before she would have shielded her feelings and faced me head on.

            “I let him in, Gabe.” She said and finally dared to look at me. I watched as she forced herself to meet my hard gaze and tried to tamp down on her emotions. “Tommy and I are friends. I was bored since you left me at your house all day by myself. I was going crazy and Tommy was a pleasant distraction.”

            “Distraction…? And just what kind of distraction was he, Natalie?” I growled as I stood up angrily.

            “Not like that!” She glared, her anger spiking up. “All we did was talk, Gabriel.”

            “Really? All you did was talk, you say? Tell me, why did I smell the trace of blood in my house last night? Did you feed from him after I told you to only feed on me?” I asked as I moved towards her like a predator.

            “You were gone all day.” She simply stated with a delicate shrug of her shoulders, not backing away from me as I stopped a breath away from her. Her eyes remained on me, hard and cold.

            “So you disobeyed me and fed from him, correct?” I hissed out and she let a smirk grace her lips.

            “That’s correct, Gabriel. I was starving and only had a little bit of blood in the morning. I’m a newly changed vamp and I need blood you ass so yes, I did feed from Tommy. Oh and guess what, I did just fine. So it would seem I don’t need to feed only from you since I was able to control my bloodlust.”

            “Tommy… He’s Tommy now, not Thomas. You two just keep on getting closer, huh?” I spat out, disgusted and angry. I was losing her. I could feel it. I thought changing her would bring her closer to me but it looked like it didn’t do shit.

            “It’s not like that!” She growled. “We’re only friends Gabe! I hate how you always have to make it out to be something it isn’t! I care about him, I want him in my life, and I like us being friends so get over it! I’m with you! I’m dating you, not him! I love you! Why can’t you just get that through your head?”

            “Because he’s the one you’re destined to be with!” I roared and then pulled her against me, cupping her face with my hands. “He’s your soul mate and I’m scared I’ll lose you. I can’t lose you Tal; I don’t think you understand that. He’s your mate and there has never been a mated couple that was able to stay away from each other. They may fight it at first but in the end, they always end up together. Even now, you tell me you love me but can you say that you don’t love him as well?”

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