Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


            The girls were mad I ditched them and Gabe was flipping, wanting to know where I was. I was currently rushing back to Gabe’s since he was at home when I suddenly just pulled over to the side of the road to take a breather. I was panicking over nothing. I didn’t need to explain myself to anyone. I was an adult and I didn’t need to check in with Gabe like he was my freaking parent. The girls could deal since it’s not like they don’t blow me off either.

            I didn’t even want to be around any of them now. Actually the only person I wanted to be around, I just left their house and I didn’t want to go back because then he’d think I need him… I don’t need him or anyone. But then again, I did and I didn’t want to really admit that.

            Finally decided on a course of action, I headed home. I needed to be by myself and just take a break from everyone and everything. Of course, that’s not what happened since when I ended up home I was jumped by Alice and Sarah. I guess they were really angry I blew them off…

            “What happened to you meeting up with us?” Alice demanded as I unlocked my door, walking inside.

            “Sorry, I fell asleep.”

            “Yeah well it wasn’t at Gabriel’s.” She said. “He was calling us wanting to know if you were with us since you weren’t at his. Now tell us where the hell you were young lady!” She ordered and I shot her a glare as I fell onto my couch.

            “I was at Tommy’s…” I mumbled and Sarah squealed in delight.

            “What? Really?” She grinned and jumped on me. “Why were you there?”

            “Um… Tommy’s just really easy to talk to.” I said. It wasn’t really a lie but I just couldn’t tell them I went to him since I needed blood, they didn’t know about vampires.

            “Are you gonna break up with Gabe for him?” Alice asked me curiously.

            “Of course not!” I glared. “I love Gabe; I’d never leave him for someone else. Tommy and I are just friends.”

            “Are you sure about that?” She raised an eyebrow as she fired her question at me.

            “Gabe’s the love of my life, I’m sure.” I told her coldly, my gaze sliding over her calculatingly. There seemed to be something off about Alice and suddenly I realized why I was feeling a bit on edge around her. She was a vampire! Huh, guess Casper turned her but it looked like Sarah was still just a human.

            “Well no matter what, we support you.” Sarah told me sincerely with a sweet smile as she gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

            “Thanks.” I said as I smiled back at her. “I’m still a bit tired though. Do you two mind if we talk more later?”

            “Sure, no problem!” Sarah grinned. “Come over to my place later, okay?”

            “Okay.” I said and hugged both her and Alice before letting them out. However instead of the peace and quiet I was expecting to get, Gabriel appeared and dashed all my hopes for it. Great… here comes another fight.

            “Natalie…” He greeted sternly, his eyes taking on a hard glint.

            “Gabriel, I really don’t want to fight with you right now. I’m exhausted and I just want to be alone.”

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