Chapter 1

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Chapter 1! Yay! :D If anyone can come up with a better title than this then it's welcome because this one's alright but...idk...i'm still not comfortable with it :/

Video: One Direction performing What Makes You Beautiful on Radio :)

Picture: Zayn

Enjoy :)

Chapter 1

Zayn's POV

"Aye, the radio host's cute, isn't she?" Harry winked.

I nodded, absent mindedly. Amber seemed like a genuinely nice girl. We had a lot of fun doing the interviews and the questions-she was really funny.

And she was a lot more than cute.

"And Zayn gets first shot! Typical!" Groaned Niall. I shrugged. Right now I really wasn't that bothered, I just wanted to get the radio tour done and go home. I didn't want to deal with all of this right now but, unfortunately, it came with the job.

"Guys, it's just a job. Besides, we're each gonna see her for one day this week and that's it-we aren't gonna see her again." Liam pointed out. I gave him a brief yet grateful smile, before looking down and pretending to play a game on my phone again.

"Liam's right, guys." Louis agreed. "We've gotta focus on promoting the album and ourselves-we're popular but we've still got a lot of people to get to."

"Yeah yeah yeah." Harry rolled his eyes as we pulled up outside the hotel. "Come on, let's go. Thanks, Ted!" He called to our limousine driver who simply nodded his head and smiled at us.

When we got back up to the room, I got changed and dropped onto my bed, falling asleep almost instantly. I was exhausted for some reason, and I had an early start tomorrow.


When I woke up in the morning, the rest of the boys were asleep. Well, they were, until my alarm woke them up too. Niall threw a pillow at my head.

"Zayn, turn the stupid alarm off." He groaned, burying his face deeper into his remaining pillow.

"Yeah, alright." I switched my alarm off and got out of bed, having as quick a shower as I could and getting changed into blue jeans, a plain white T-Shirt and threw a red check shirt over the top. After spending a completely reasonable amount of time styling my hair, I made my way downstairs and into the lobby to meet Ted.

"Morning, Zayn." Ted greeted me. He was formal enough around the right people, but there wasn't a lot of point when it was just me, him and the secretary at the desk.

"Mornin', Ted. You alright?"

"I'm good thanks, how are you?"

"Yeah I'm good. Shall we go then?"

"Of course."

I got into the limousine and texted Paul to tell him that I had successfully managed to remember what my one job was and turn up to the radio station. He texted back that he was surprised but very proud.

The kindness of my manager often surprises me.

There were plenty of fans waiting for me when I got there; they began screaming when they saw the car, and holding out their cameras and scraps of paper or Hoodies for me to sign.

"Do you want me to park around the back?" Ted asked me.

"Nah, it's all good, I've got a few minutes so I'll talk to them." I grinned. "Thanks, Ted. I'll make my own way back tonight, you can have the night off, considering you're going to have to get up and cart the boys to the station early every day this week."

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