Chapter 6

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Okay guys, I have some explaining to do.

I'm really sorry I haven't uploaded recently, especially with me having absolutely no schoolwork or anything, but my mum's been away this week so I've done literally everything and I've had writers block.


Yeah I know none of your read this but still xD

Also, I've been working on the series that's going to replace The Girl That Changed Their One Direction! Yay! That should be up this summer, but idk when because I'm always really busy in the summer xD but yeah I have the Prologue and Chapter 1 written and a chapter plan done so it's all good!

This chapter is short and rubbish because it's a filler and my gosh I hated writing this but I had to get it out of the way Dx sorry it sucks!

Picture: Taylor Momsen who plays Amber

Video: Harry when they did the whole 'Radio 1 One Direction Take Over' thing hah


#Zerrie ;)

Chapter 6

Amber’s POV

“Alright, Amber?” I looked up from the emails I was reading on Holly’s computed screen to see Niall stood next to me.

“Oh, hey, Niall! You ready?” I stood up and he nodded. I led him through to the recording booth, as I had done with all the other boys up until now, and ran him through the controls, and soon enough we were on the air.

Hey, guys! It’s me, Amber Perez on ‘Gold’ and today I’m joined by Niall Horan of One Direction!”

“Hey guys.” Niall was smiling happily-all the boys really seemed to enjoy their job.

Niall’s gonna pick a song, like all the boys have, and then we’re going to get started with the show so send in your questions, requests and what have you and we’ll pick some to take a look at.”

“Great, I’m going to pick ‘Made In The USA’ by Demi Lovato.” Niall selected the song and pressed play.

“Nice work.” I grinned and took my headphones off.

“Thanks.” Niall replied, also smiling. “I hear you’re coming to the show, then?”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Louis kind of bullied me into it.”

“Nah, it’ll be fun,” he shrugged as I pulled Twitter up on the screen in front of me. “Everyone really wants to hear your mash ups again too.”

“Well that’s good-I like making them.” I laughed. “Right, we need some questions.”

“Yes,” he agreed, looking at my screen. “So we do.”

“Some of these questions are really weird.” I commented, scrolling through them. “This girl wants you to…oh God I can’t even say that out loud.”

Niall laughed. “Yeah, sometimes our fans can be a little crazy.”

“You can say that again.” I muttered.

We eventually chose and answered some questions; thankfully there were less about the supposed ‘Zamber’ today, though there were still too many for me. Still, I was grateful that it was dying down-it had only been four days and I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take.

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