Chapter 7

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I finally uploaded, I'm so sorry.

I'm not even gonna explain the billion and one reasons why I haven't uploaded this.

And the chapter sucks.

It gets better towards the end, but it still sucks. I think this is the worst chapter that I've ever written since TGTCTOD, and that was horrendous.

But yes, I can't stress how sorry I am. I still have half a Sociology essay to write but I shall attempt to upload FMAAB before I go back to school on Thursday. After that I'm gonna try and upload like once a month because I am taking four essay subjects (as I have said far too many times) and it's A Levels and that has to come first, I'm so sorry guys (did you catch the sarcasm there?).

Whatever, here's the upload.

Video: The mashup used in this chapter, Jessie J and Eminem Nobody's Perfect vs Love The Way You Lie

Picture: Whitney Houston because she's perfect and it was her birthday <3

Chapter 7

Amber’s POV

I patted down my hair self consciously as I looked in the mirror. I had about ten minutes before the taxi turned up to take me to the show, and I was feeling just about as nervous as I think I should. I was about to DJ yet again: except this time I was anticipating it. Last time it had been a spur-of-the-moment attempt to save the party, now people were actually coming to hear me. That hadn’t happened in a long time.

Again, I straightened my shirt and tugged on my jacket, before forcing myself to walk out of the door.

Once at the arena, I flicked my backstage pass at one of the security guards and they let me through to the dressing room area. There were no other guests there, only the boys and the people who were helping them out backstage, and they all seemed pretty busy, so I quickly excused myself and went to find my seat.


The concert was, in a word, indescribable. The boys had this amazing energy on stage, like they couldn’t, and wouldn’t, stop for the world. It was incredible.

I waited for the rush of girls to die down, before heading outside myself to make my way to backstage yet again. I had arranged with the boys to meet them just inside the backstage area and they would drive me to the after party. When it finished I would take a taxi home-though I wasn’t drinking tonight, I had decided to err on the side of caution and not drive myself home, especially as I didn’t know the way there. The party was being held at a club called ‘Ecstasy’-it was fairly new in town, but was already insanely popular. Not gonna lie, as one who work in the media, I was pretty excited to check it out.

“Hey, Amber! You ready?” I turned to see the boys behind me and grinned.

“As I’ll ever be.” I laughed, and they led me out of the door.

“So, what did you think of the show?” Louis asked me. I nodded.

“It was amazing, I really enjoyed it. You boys did a great job.” I answered, truthfully. “I liked the ‘Teenage Dirtbag’ cover, too.”

“Yeah.” Zayn laughed. “We do that at practically every show.”

I had expected the car journey to be a little awkward, but surprisingly enough, it wasn’t. I already knew that the boys of One Direction had a certain charm, but they were funny too. This was the first time I had been with all of them at one time, except when I first met them. Their party didn’t count, seeing as I barely saw them, and they were drunk half the time. During the car journey they didn’t leave me out or ignore me in the slightest; I was always somewhat involved in the conversation.

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