Chapter 8

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Sorry all the chapters for this book are short and rubbish, I just find it really difficult to write atm D: idk why, but i think it'll get better when the story picks up :)

Video: Beside You by my ultimate favourite band Marianas Trench!

Picture: Troye Sivan bc if he wasn't gay <3

Chapter 8

Amber’s POV

Swivelling around in my spinning chair, I opened the text from Louis.

From: Louis

Hey Amber! Fancy hanging out today? :)

Louis x

From: Amber

Sure! When and where?

Amber x

We arranged to meet up at the small internet café down the road from where I worked at 6pm. I couldn’t imagine what he wanted to talk to me about, but it seemed to be pretty important to him, from the way he kept insisting that I meet up with him. In between playing songs I managed to assure him that I was coming, though it took me a while.

Work was back to normal-not as hectic, but not as fun either. It always felt this way after we had special guests on the show; it took a while to adjust to being alone again. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job, but talking to yourself day in and day sometimes got boring-lonely, too.

At five minutes to six I pulled my coat on, grabbed my bag and set off, leaving my car in the studio car park. It would only take me a minute to walk to the café, it would be easier to walk back and pick my car up when I was done.

When I entered the café I spotted Louis almost straight away. He was sat in a corner booth with another man, speaking to a waitress while attempting to avoid making eye contact with several girls across the room. As the waitress walked away, Louis sat up and waved at me, almost elbowing the man in the face. Laughing, I made my way over and sat down on the other side of the table.

“Hey.” I smiled brightly, shrugging my coat off.

“Amber, this is Paul.” Louis introduced the man without even so much as a ‘hello’.

“Hell-oh! Oh!” I stuttered, realising, rather belatedly, who he was.

“Good evening, Miss Perez.” Paul smiled at me. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too.” I smiled, politely.

“I’m here to ask you a favour.”

I shot Louis a dirty look. Hang out my ass.

“Oh?” I didn’t say anything more, confused. What could he want?

“As you know, One Direction is going on tour in a few days.” Paul started. “Unfortunately, earlier this week, their tour DJ dropped out and we really need someone to take their place.”

“What does this have to do with me?” I frowned, quickly turning and ordering a coffee from the waitress.

“I was at the party you were at this week and I saw how good you are at DJing.” replied Paul. My eyes widened in shock. The heck?! “I’m here to ask you if you’ll join One Direction on tour as their official DJ.”

Paul went on to explain what I’d do if I decided to come on tour with them. I sat in silence as he talked, trying to take it all in.

They wanted me?

“Listen,” I spoke up once he had finished. “That was really a one time thing; I haven’t done that in years! Besides, I have a job and an apartment and-”

“You’ll be paid double whatever you’re being paid now.” Paul interrupted. “And, if you don’t want, it doesn’t just have to last for this tour. If you like it enough, it could be permanent.”

“Permanent…” I whispered, staring down into my drink.

“You wouldn’t just work with One Direction, either.” His words, though spoken simply enough, were almost alluring to me. “If you chose to sign to either Syco or my agency, you could tour with many different artists.”

I was silent still, my head swimming.

If I said yes, my entire life would change, not to be cliché about it.

If I said no, then I would carry on as normal.

“Can I have some time to think about it?” I asked, weakly.

Paul nodded. “Of course. I have to go now anyway; whatever you decide, please do it before Monday and if you tell Louis he will pass it on to me.”

Numbly I nodded, and sat still as Paul bid Louis goodbye and walked away.

Louis and I were both silent for a few minutes.

“Ass.” I said.


When I got back to my apartment, I made my tea and sat on the sofa to eat it. I found it was lonely to eat at a table while nobody else was there with you.

Mulling over what Louis and I had talked about after Paul had left, I pushed my food around on my plate absently.

Louis had commented that I didn’t have anything to stay here for.

Was he right?

I had my job, of course, and Holly. But I knew that the job I was working wasn’t the one I wanted to be doing.

With a sigh of frustration, I put my half empty plate on the floor and tucked my feet up onto the sofa. I was a grown woman with teenage like indecisions.

If only there was someone to decide for me. It was Saturday today, which meant that I had two days to think it over.

I went to bed early that night, too tired and overwhelmed to stay up any longer.


“Started from the bottom now we here,” I bobbed my head along to Drake as I drove to work the next day. I had pushed all thoughts of my future out of my head, and had decided to do so until I had finished my shift. Thankfully, I was only working a half day today and Louis had invited me over to his apartment to help me make a decision.

“Morning, Holly.” I shrugged my coat off and hung it up on one of the pegs in the lobby, running into the kitchen to make a drink.


“You want a coffee?”

“Please!” I filled two mugs with hot water and instant coffee granules and carried them carefully into the lobby. I was early today so I could hang out with Holly for another ten minutes or so before I had to go and set up.

I didn’t tell her about meeting up with Paul and Louis, though I did tell her about the party. I didn’t want to say anything, especially if I was still unsure about whether to accept the job or not.

When I got home from work I had given up. I couldn’t decide this on my own.

I pressed my phone to my ear and gazed absently around the room as I listened to the dialling tone.


“Zayn? It’s Amber. I need your advice on something.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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