Chapter 2

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Yay! Update! xD This will probably be my last update until my exams are over :P


Video- One Direction performing Little Things on the radio

Picture- Harry

Ohmygosh I keep getting this and Five Men And A Baby confused!!!!! D":

oh and sorry if there are any mistakes cuz i totally did not have to type this one handed and with the wrong hand because i burnt myself making possibly one of the most idiot proof dinners ever...hehe

Chapter 2

Zayn's POV

I laid down on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

"Why are you on the floor?" Amber asked me.

I shrugged. "I dunno. Those chairs aren't very comfortable." There was silence, followed by more silence. "What do you want to do then?"

"Well we could always carry on Coleen's show." She suggested. "We've got time to spare now."

"Sure." I got up. "Sounds good." We went back through to the sound booth and took our seats again. Amber spent a few minutes flicking switches until the red light came on and the music stopped.

"Hey guys!" She spoke into the microphone. "It's Amber Perez and Zayn Malik here again! We should have left a while ago now, but when we went to leave, the doors were locked, so it looks like we're in here until morning. I'm guessing many of you guys, especially you Directioners, are still up and listening to us, so we're gonna turn the webcam back on! We actually have no way of recieving any tweets or emails or anything from you, so we're just gonna wing it and you can observe us and laugh."

"Okay, so what first?" I asked her. "Do we have anything for any more challenges?"

"I don't know, I'll have a look." Amber turned on the webcam and got to her feet, removing her headphones. "You keep them company-sing or something."

I gave a little awkward laugh as she walked out. "Okay then, uh, let's see...this is so awkward on your own, haha." I chewed thoughtfully on my lip for a second. "Okay, I know, how about I sing the song I auditioned with for X Factor? I think you guys would like that, right? A little bit of 2010 for you there." I cleared my throat.

"Baby I just don't get it

Do you enjoy being hurt?

I know you smelled the perfume, the make-up on his shirt

You don't believe his stories

You know that they're all lies

Bad as you are, you stick around and I just don't know why

If I was your man 

Never worry bout 

I'd be coming home 

Every night, doin' you right

You're the type of woman 

Fistful of diamonds 

Baby you're a star 

You should let me love you

Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need

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