Chapter 4

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I'm uploading again! :O I'm on a total roll omg! Sorry it's short and a filler, but I have a chapter plan and need to go along with it or I'll get confused so yeah :P

Picture: Liam

Video: Katy Perry 'Part Of Me' and Little Mix 'DNA' mashup by Jake Marra-his mashups are the best!

ALL THE MASHUPS IN THIS CHAPTER ARE DONE BY JAKE! He's like my favourite mashup YouTube guy, check him out, just search Jake Marra, he's fantastic!

Chapter 4

Amber's POV

I shrugged my small leather jacket on over my outfit, looking in the mirror. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a purple top-it was casual, but not too casual. I didn't want to look too overdressed.

Grabbing my car keys on the way out, I locked the door to my apartment and got into my car. The party would have been going for about fifteen minutes by the time I arrived-I didn't want to arrive too early.

"Hi, I'm Amber Perez, I work at 'Gold' radio?" I introduced myself to the security guard outside the building. "Liam Payne invited me." I showed him the note that Liam wrote on the paper so that they'd let me through. They nodded and I walked into the party, which ground to a halt almost as soon as I entered, though not because of anything I'd done.

Oddly enough, the music...stopped.

"Amber! Hi!" Zayn saw me and walked over. "I'm glad you could make it!"

"Wouldn't miss it!" I replied. "What's wrong? Why did the music stop just now?"

"Oh." He grimanced. "Our DJ is experiencing some...well...he's drunk. And incapable. And old. We screwed up." I burst out laughing at the look on his face. "It's not funny! He can't do anything-he's so drunk that he tried to kiss Harry."

I was doubled over laughing now, and everyone was staring at me-partially because I was a well-known radio presenter, and partially because the loudest sound in the room was my laughter.

"Thanks, Amber." He rolled his eyes. "Thanks so much for that moral support."

"It's fine." I straightened up, still laughing. "Now, where is said drunk DJ?"

"Liam took him to the bathroom so that he didn't throw up all over his decks." Zayn explained.

"Perfect! Take me to the decks." I instructed.

"O-kay?" I followed Zayn through masses of people until we reached the other end of the room where the sound system was set up. "What are you going to do now?"

"Well," I picked up the headphones and slung them around my neck, examining the equipment. "Before I became a radio DJ and presenter, I was an actual DJ."

"Really?" Zayn looked shocked.

"You seem like you don't believe me."

"I don't know, I just thought actual DJing was more of a guys job." He shrugged. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really."

I picked up the microphone. "Alright everybody, I'm Amber Perez from Gold Radio, this is One Direction's party, are you ready for a good night?"

Everyone's ears pricked up when they heard who I was and what radio station I was from-we were currently the most popular in the country-and they hollered back at me.

I grinned and nodded. "Awesome, let's go."  I turned up the music, smoothly fading two songs in and out of each other until I was happy with the result. As it was pretty high-tech equipment, all the music was saved in a digital copy, set out like on your iPod. I scrolled through the different songs that there were and found that as well as there being normal versions of every song, there were acapella and instrumental versions, giving the DJ the ability to mash up two tracks on the spot.

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