Chapter 5

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On a roll still! Yay for free wifi! It's gonna be over soon though Dx

Picture: Niall

Video: Carrie Underwood performing Good Girl on the radio-I love this woman! Insane voice!

Chapter 5

Amber’s POV

Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one to be late-or untidy. Louis was at least ten minutes later than I and was wearing dark sunglasses, a beanie, a large hoodie and a five-o’clock shadow that seemed about to turn into a full beard-despite it not yet being mid-day. He looked to be nursing a particularly bad hangover, and I didn’t blame him, considering the amount that he drank last night.

“Morning.” I yawned and waved, tiredly.

“Morning.” He replied.

“Still feeling the effects of last night?”

“Unfortunately so. I am never drinking again.” We walked into the recording booth together, both clutching cups of black coffee with plenty of sugar like they were the only things anchoring us to the Earth.

“Well you say that now.” I laughed, and he cracked a grin. I ran him through the same instructions I had with Zayn and Liam, telling him how to work the computer and what to do when on and off air.

“Okay, are you ready for this?”

“Sure I am.” He nodded. “It’ll be fun!”

“Do you know what song you’re going to sing at the end of the show?” I asked, making sure he was prepared. He groaned.

“I completely forgot about that. Ugh, I’ll sing ‘I Would’”

“Great,” I nodded. “I like that one.”

“Oh, you’re a fan are you?” Louis grinned, cheekily.

“Maybe.” I shrugged, a teasing smile on my face.

“If it’s me you can just say, I’m used to all the attention.” He joked and I laughed.

“Sorry, Lou, but it’s not you.” I grinned. “My favourite’s actually Zayn-which is a little awkward, considering what happened the other day.

“You’re right, that is slightly awkward.” He laughed. “Well if it makes you feel any better, we’ve spent over a month on this radio tour and you’re his favourite too.”

I blushed a little but rolled my eyes, determined not to show it.

“Anyway, we’re like half an hour late on air so let’s go. Put on your headphones.”


“Louis, put on your headphones.”

Yes, miss.”

“Oh be quiet.”

“Hey guys! This is Amber Perez on ‘Gold’ radio with Louis Tomlinson of One Direction! Louis, today it’s your turn to pick a song while everyone tweets, emails, texts or rings in with questions for you about your new album ‘Take Me Home’ and other such parts of your career, what are you going to play?”

“I’m going to play ‘Wonder’ by Emeli Sande because that is one of my favourite songs at the minute.” Louis selected the song.

“Awesome, send in your questions, we’ll be back after this song.”

We removed our headphones and sorted through the questions sent in-a couple were still about the supposed ‘Zamber’, quite a lot about me being spotted attending their party last night, but-thankfully-most of them were actually directed at Louis, the album and possible tours.

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