Chapter 2

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Aria POV

If there's one thing I hate more than Charlie it has to be the ocean. Not that I would ever let anyone know this, especially Charlie.
That would ruin my whole rep. So I would normally stay as far away from the beach or a pool as possible. Just my luck that I'm spending the summer on a cruise.
"Aria? Are you done packing yet? I can't wait to leave! Can you wait to leave?"
Cameron bursts into my room, putting my thoughts to a halt. He has a stupid smile on his face that makes me want to gag.
"What did I say about going into my room?!" I glared.
"Uhh. Well I don't know? I wasn't listening."
"KNOCK!!" I yelled pushing him out and shutting the door.
A couple minutes later I heard a faint knock on my door. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Cameron?"
"Well, actually my names Olivia. But close. Not."
I laughed and turned around. Olivia has been my best friend sense 3rd grade. We bonded over our hatred for the art teacher.
"So, I heard your going on a trip." She started. "Yes, and it's going to suck. You know why." Liv is the only person I've told about my fear. "Well then, I may have to say no to the generous offer your parents made to me. They wanted to know if I wanted to accompany you on the cruise."
My face lit up and she laughed. This trip just got a bit less horrible.

The whole car ride Liv and I were texting. I told her about my run in with devil boy.

Ari: ... So then I punched him and ran.

Liv: No way! He totally deserved it.

Ari: Well duh. Charlie always deserves it!

Liv: Yeah...

Ari: What's will the dot dot dot?

Liv: Nothing

Even though I thought that was weird, we came to a stop and I looked up. I nudged Liv and she saw what I was looking at. Right in front of us was a giant cruise boat. I sighed.
Stepping out of the car, I was hit with the strong smell of the ocean. I crinkled my noise.
"Isn't this great?" My mother smiles optimisticly.
"No." I say under my breath. She ignores me. That or she didn't hear me.
"The ocean breeze, always has a special place in my heart." My dad saids handing each of us our bags and tickets. If I threw my ticket in the ocean right now, I wouldn't have to go. I raised my eyebrow, pondering the thought. My dad must've read my mind though because he took it back and gave me a warning look. Wait, did I say that out loud? Oops. Well, at least my dads not a mind reader. That would get me into loads of trouble.
We all loaded onto the cruise, me dragging me feet in the process.
When we were all on, my parents guided us to our suite. Luckily, I don't have to share a room with Cameron. Instead, Liv and I share which is a million times better.
Soon, I was laying on my bed scrolling through twitter.
"Why don't you two go check out the teen deck?" My mom suggested. Knowing I didn't have a choice, I went to change. Opting for my black shorts and 5sos shirt, I was ready and lacing up my black converse in 5 minutes.
Liv on the other hand, she had 3 outfits spread across her bed.
"I can't decide! Aria, come here. I need advice." I rolled my eyes and walked over. The first outfit was a black skirt, a grey sleeveless top with a moon on it, and some white vans. The second outfit was more on the girly side, consisting of a white top with small black cats, a red skater skirt, and black converse. Finally, the last outfit was my favorite, with a light denim sleeveless shirt, a black printed skirt, black tights, and a pair of combat boots. "Pick the last one" I told her.
While she was getting ready I went on Instagram, scrolling through random pictures. "Done!" Liv chirped. We ventured off to the teen deck. Coming in, the one thing that caught my eye was the giant skate park full of skaters.
"No way! I can't believe they have a skate park here!" I said getting excited.
"We have to get our boards." Liv told me and I nodded my head. We brought them just in case when the cruise came to a stop at some random place, we could skate.

After practically running to get our skateboards, we were ready to skate. I walked over to a half pipe. The rush I get whenever I ride a half pipe is one of my favorite feelings.
Before I went down I looked over to Liv and saw her talking to some guy. He looked oddly familiar for some reason. I shrugged, and starting skating. Then, when I got to the bottom, I remembered who he was. Leondre! It was Charlie's brother. Loosing my focus, I fell off my board. Falling on my side, a strike of pain in my right arm made me want to scream. My clumsiness has been showing lately. But I ignored the pain, going over to Liv. "Hey! Aria, been a while since I've seen you." I smiled at Leo, he was always the opposite of his brother, even know they were best friends. "Are you alright? I saw your wipeout on the pipe!" He said looking genuinely concerned. "I'm fine."
He smiled, and looked over. "Charlie mate! Look who's here!" I turned around and saw Charlie. My worst nightmare has come true. I have to spend all summer with him. But the question running through my head was 'How am I going to hide my fear when I'm surrounded by it?" This is going to be a long summer...


Hi! I know they are all different ages in real life, but in this book, they are all 15. By the way, go check out ReaganPeace 's new book "Onto The Court"! It's really good. Byebye :)

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